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stability_testing_tools_for_model_tasks [2020/03/30 07:27] – created matszstability_testing_tools_for_model_tasks [2022/11/07 10:23] (current) – external edit
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 **Figure 47: Items differing for Estonia when restarting Build regional database** **Figure 47: Items differing for Estonia when restarting Build regional database**
-{{::figure_47.png?600|}} \\ Source: CAPRI Modelling System+{{::figure_47.png?600|Source: CAPRI Modelling System}}
 If many experiments are executed using the batch execution facility, then it is useful to keep result files apart by using different directories for results, restart points and result input. There are two tasks in the “Tests” workstep that are intended to help there: If many experiments are executed using the batch execution facility, then it is useful to keep result files apart by using different directories for results, restart points and result input. There are two tasks in the “Tests” workstep that are intended to help there:
   * Create experiment folder structure: creates an empty tree of result folders, with one sub directory for each “experiment”.   * Create experiment folder structure: creates an empty tree of result folders, with one sub directory for each “experiment”.
   * Collect experiment results: copies selected results from the experiment directory tree and stores them in the standard capri directory with a file suffix “_”<experiment>, as if the user had run the task with the property “Additional result type identifier” set to “_”<experiment> but with additional control over starting values and data input.   * Collect experiment results: copies selected results from the experiment directory tree and stores them in the standard capri directory with a file suffix “_”<experiment>, as if the user had run the task with the property “Additional result type identifier” set to “_”<experiment> but with additional control over starting values and data input.
stability_testing_tools_for_model_tasks.1585553251.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/11/07 10:23 (external edit)

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