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stability_testing_tools_for_model_tasks [2020/04/26 05:49] matszstability_testing_tools_for_model_tasks [2022/11/07 10:23] (current) – external edit
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   * Create experiment folder structure: creates an empty tree of result folders, with one sub directory for each “experiment”.   * Create experiment folder structure: creates an empty tree of result folders, with one sub directory for each “experiment”.
   * Collect experiment results: copies selected results from the experiment directory tree and stores them in the standard capri directory with a file suffix “_”<experiment>, as if the user had run the task with the property “Additional result type identifier” set to “_”<experiment> but with additional control over starting values and data input.   * Collect experiment results: copies selected results from the experiment directory tree and stores them in the standard capri directory with a file suffix “_”<experiment>, as if the user had run the task with the property “Additional result type identifier” set to “_”<experiment> but with additional control over starting values and data input.
stability_testing_tools_for_model_tasks.1587880179.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/11/07 10:23 (external edit)

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