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the_capri_data_base [2021/12/14 14:09] – [Annex: Code lists for the COCO database] himicsthe_capri_data_base [2024/07/05 06:24] (current) – link to fertilizer descirption updated massfeller
Line 172: Line 172:
   * //‘eurostat_ econfinc_mapping.gms’// for the tables from Eurostat’s “Economy and Finance” Statistics   * //‘eurostat_ econfinc_mapping.gms’// for the tables from Eurostat’s “Economy and Finance” Statistics
-Example from file //‘Eurostat _agriculture_mapping.gms’//+Example from file //‘Eurostat _agriculture_mapping.gms’//. The results of the program run are gdx-files loaded by files (e.g. coco/coco1_eurostat.gms) which are in turn loaded by coco1.gms or coco2.gms.
-<file gams Eurostat _agriculture_mapping.gms>+<code fortran> 
 +SET EcoActMAP(ASS_COLS,ASS_ROWS,eco_act_ori_eurostat) "mapping"
 +EAAP.CERE. aact_eaa01_01000_PROD_PP_MIO_EUR 
 +EAAP.SWHE. aact_eaa01_01110_PROD_PP_MIO_EUR 
 +EAAP.DWHE. aact_eaa01_01120_PROD_PP_MIO_EUR /;
-SET EcoActMAP(ASS_COLS,ASS_ROWS,eco_act_ori_eurostat)/ 
- EAAP.CERE. aact_eaa01_01000_PROD_PP_MIO_EUR 
- EAAP.SWHE. aact_eaa01_01110_PROD_PP_MIO_EUR 
- EAAP.DWHE. aact_eaa01_01120_PROD_PP_MIO_EUR 
- ... 
-SET AgriProdMAP(ASS_COLS,ASS_ROWS,agri_prod_ori_eurostat)/ 
-CERE.LEVL.( apro_cpnh1_C1000_AR,apro_cpnh1_h_C1000_AR)  
-SWHE.LEVL.( apro_cpnh1_C1110_AR,apro_cpnh1_h_C1110_AR) 
-SWH1.LEVL.( apro_cpnh1_C1111_AR,apro_cpnh1_h_C1111_AR) 
-The results of the program run are gdx-files loaded by files (e.g. coco/coco1_eurostat.gmswhich are in turn loaded by coco1.gms or coco2.gms.+SET AgriProdMAP(ASS_COLS,ASS_ROWS,agri_prod_ori_eurostat) "mapping" / 
 +CERE.LEVL.( apro_cpnh1_C1000_AR,apro_cpnh1_h_C1000_AR) 
 +SWHE.LEVL.( apro_cpnh1_C1110_AR,apro_cpnh1_h_C1110_AR) 
 +SWH1.LEVL.( apro_cpnh1_C1111_AR,apro_cpnh1_h_C1111_AR) /; 
 === Western Balkan Countries and Turkey === === Western Balkan Countries and Turkey ===
Line 209: Line 207:
 === Other additional input data === === Other additional input data ===
-COCO1: Biofuels+COCO1: Biofuels FIXME (most links are not working anymore, remove or re-link)
   * Production, market balance and feedstock quantities for biodiesel and bioethanol are collected from a multitude of sources:   * Production, market balance and feedstock quantities for biodiesel and bioethanol are collected from a multitude of sources:
Line 1267: Line 1265:
 +** Table: Codes of land use classes (Set LandUse)**
 +^Code  ^Label  ^
 +| OART | artificial |
 +| ARAO | (other) arable crops - all arable crops excluding rice and fallow (see also definition of ARAC below) |
 +| PARI | paddy rice (already defined) |
 +| GRAT | temporary grassland (alternative code used for CORINE data, definition identical to TGRA |
 +| FRCT | fruit and citrus |
 +| OLIVGR | Olive Groves |
 +| VINY | vineyard (already defined) |
 +| NUPC | nursery and permanent crops (Note: the aggregate PERM also includes flowers and other vegetables |
 +| BLWO | board leaved wood |
 +| COWO | coniferous wood |
 +| MIWO | mixed wood |
 +| POEU | plantations (wood) and eucalyptus |
 +| SHRUNTC | shrub land - no tree cover |
 +| SHRUTC | shrub land - tree cover |
 +| GRANTC | Grassland - no tree cover |
 +| GRATC | Grassland - tree cover |
 +| FALL | fallow land (already defined) |
 +| OSPA | other sparsely vegetated or bare |
 +| INLW | inland waters |
 +| MARW | marine waters |
 +| KITC | kitchen garden |
 +** Table: Codes of land use aggregates (Set LandUseAgg)**
 +^Code  ^Label  ^
 +| OLND | other land - shrub, sparsely vegetated or bare |
 +| ARAC | arable crops |
 +| FRUN | fruits, nursery and (other) permanent crops |
 +| WATER | inland or marine waters |
 +| ARTIF | artificial - buildings or roads |
 +| OWL | other wooded land - shrub or grassland with tree cover (definition to be discussed) |
 +| TWL | total wooded land - forest + other wooded land |
 +| SHRU | shrub land |
 +| FORE | forest (already defined) |
 +| GRAS | grassland (already defined) |
 +| ARAB | arable (already defined) |
 +| PERM | permanent crops (already defined) |
 +| UAAR | utilizable agricultural area (already defined) |
 +| ARTO | total area - total land and inland waters |
 +| ARTM | total area including marine waters |
 +| CROP | crop area - arable and permanent |
 +**Table: Codes of mutually exclusive subset adding up to total area - ARTO (Set LandUseARTO)**
 +^Code  ^Label  ^
 +| OLND | other land - shrub, sparsely vegetated or bare |
 +| ARTIF | artificial - buildings or roads |
 +| FORE | forest |
 +| UAAR | utilizable agricultural area |
 +| INLW | Inland waters |
 ====Annex: Detailed description of Eurostat data processing in COCO (coco1_eurostat.gms)==== ====Annex: Detailed description of Eurostat data processing in COCO (coco1_eurostat.gms)====
Line 1324: Line 1374:
 The COCO module produces various reporting files on the intermediate data processing steps. These files can be used to trace back potential errors in the COCO database to their origin. These debugging files also contain meta-information on the input data and settings used for producing the COCO database.  The COCO module produces various reporting files on the intermediate data processing steps. These files can be used to trace back potential errors in the COCO database to their origin. These debugging files also contain meta-information on the input data and settings used for producing the COCO database. 
-The following example is a walk-through on the typical data processing steps, covring biofuels data preparation in France.+The following example is a walk-through on the typical data processing steps, covering biofuels data preparation in France.
-The reporting file 'C:\Users\himics\c\dairybiof\output\results\coco\biof_data_with_prep\chk_biof_data_with_prep_FR000000.gdx' reports on the data preparation for biofuels for France (FR000) in COCO1. The file includes the set ‘meta_prepare_biofuel_data’, with meta-information on the recent coco1 run (e.g. creation date of file, GAMS version used).+The reporting file 'output/results/coco/biof_data_with_prep/chk_biof_data_with_prep_FR000000.gdx' reports on the data preparation for biofuels for France (FR000) in COCO1. The file includes the set ‘meta_prepare_biofuel_data’, with meta-information on the recent coco1 run (e.g. creation date of file, GAMS version used).
 {{coco_biof_1.png?nolink|}} {{coco_biof_1.png?nolink|}}
Line 1347: Line 1397:
 | MAPRagr | Ethanol production from agricultural sources | | MAPRagr | Ethanol production from agricultural sources |
 | EloBio | Biofuel production and demand data from DG Energy project EloBio | | EloBio | Biofuel production and demand data from DG Energy project EloBio |
-DG\_Agri | Ethanol data from DGAgri website and supplementary files |+DG_Agri | Ethanol data from DGAgri website and supplementary files |
 | ProdCom | Eurostat: PRODCOM ANNUAL SOLD (NACE Rev. 2.) [DS-066341] | | ProdCom | Eurostat: PRODCOM ANNUAL SOLD (NACE Rev. 2.) [DS-066341] |
 | EIA | Independent Statistics &amp; Analysis, US Energy Information Administration | | EIA | Independent Statistics &amp; Analysis, US Energy Information Administration |
 | comext | Eurostat: Comext | | comext | Eurostat: Comext |
-Energy\_bal | Eurostat: Supply, transformation, consumption - renewable energies - annual data [nrg\_107a] | +Energy_bal | Eurostat: Supply, transformation, consumption - renewable energies - annual data [nrg_107a] | 
-Energy\_dem | Eurostat: Supply, transformation, consumption - renewable energies - annual data [nrg\_102anrg\_1073a] |+Energy_dem | Eurostat: Supply, transformation, consumption - renewable energies - annual data [nrg_102anrg_1073a] |
 | final | results of the calculations | | final | results of the calculations |
 | ODOM | other domestic use (activity from biostock calculations | | ODOM | other domestic use (activity from biostock calculations |
-| APRagr | Ethanol production from agricultural sources | 
 | INDt | Sum of model results for BIOF and INDM | | INDt | Sum of model results for BIOF and INDM |
 | BIOi, INDi, DOMi | intermediate activities to save data from model initialisation for later documentation. | | BIOi, INDi, DOMi | intermediate activities to save data from model initialisation for later documentation. |
Line 1393: Line 1442:
 {{coco_biof_6.png?nolink|}} {{coco_biof_6.png?nolink|}}
-The parameter //p_biofDataMS// reports on production (MAPR), trade (import:IMPT, export:EXPT), production from non-agricultural sources (NAGR), prices (UVAD, UVAP) and consumer taxes (CTAX). The distribiutio of total biodiesel processing to the feedstock is also reported, for rapeseed oil (RAPO), sunflower oil (SUNO), soya oil (SOYO) and palm oil (PLMO).+The parameter //p_biofDataMS// reports on production (MAPR), trade (import:IMPT, export:EXPT), production from non-agricultural sources (NAGR), prices (UVAD, UVAP) and consumer taxes (CTAX). The distribiution of total biodiesel processing to the feedstock is also reported, for rapeseed oil (RAPO), sunflower oil (SUNO), soya oil (SOYO) and palm oil (PLMO).
Line 1445: Line 1494:
 Under activity dairy cows (DCOW) the following items are reported: yield, total production (GROF), feed use (FEDM) and losses on market (LOSM). Eurostat’s //National Accounts of Agriculture (EAA)// only supply data for the aggregate milk (MILK). The equation //e_EAAMLK// in the consolidation model //AnimNSSQ// ensures the consistency of EAA values for MILK, as they are split up between cow milk (COMI) and sheep and goat milk (SGMI). Under activity dairy cows (DCOW) the following items are reported: yield, total production (GROF), feed use (FEDM) and losses on market (LOSM). Eurostat’s //National Accounts of Agriculture (EAA)// only supply data for the aggregate milk (MILK). The equation //e_EAAMLK// in the consolidation model //AnimNSSQ// ensures the consistency of EAA values for MILK, as they are split up between cow milk (COMI) and sheep and goat milk (SGMI).
-<code gams>+<code fortran>
 e_EAAMLK("%MS%000",T)  e_EAAMLK("%MS%000",T) 
      $ (p_NobsP("%MS%000","EAAP","MILK") AND ESTR("MILK") and       $ (p_NobsP("%MS%000","EAAP","MILK") AND ESTR("MILK") and 
Line 1612: Line 1661:
 To assess the reliability of the CAPRI database in terms of GHG results against official UNFCCC notifications, results from the first step (time series) were insufficient, as the GHG accounting also requires information on the feed allocation. This problem was addressed within the scope of the IDEAg (Improving the quantification of GHG emissions and flows of reactive nitrogen) project((The IDEAg project was commissioned by the JRC-IES in Ispra in 2015 and was carried out by the Thünen Institute in cooperation with the JRC-IES (August 2015 – August 2016). A more detailed explanation of the CAPRI task “Build GHG inventories” and its use has been prepared by the Thünen contributors at the time, Sandra Marquardt and Alexander Gocht, see capri/doc/GHG_inventory_module.docx. )), where an option has been introduced to allow for a consistent accounting of GHG emissions over time. This is able to combine input information from CAPREG time series runs as well as (short run, nowcasting-style) CAPMOD simulation results. Furthermore, an R-based tool was introduced to the CAPRI GUI that maps GHG emissions data from CAPRI to the GHG emission balances contained in the National Inventory Reports (NIRs) that are submitted annually by countries in compliance with UNFCCC GHG reporting obligations. To assess the reliability of the CAPRI database in terms of GHG results against official UNFCCC notifications, results from the first step (time series) were insufficient, as the GHG accounting also requires information on the feed allocation. This problem was addressed within the scope of the IDEAg (Improving the quantification of GHG emissions and flows of reactive nitrogen) project((The IDEAg project was commissioned by the JRC-IES in Ispra in 2015 and was carried out by the Thünen Institute in cooperation with the JRC-IES (August 2015 – August 2016). A more detailed explanation of the CAPRI task “Build GHG inventories” and its use has been prepared by the Thünen contributors at the time, Sandra Marquardt and Alexander Gocht, see capri/doc/GHG_inventory_module.docx. )), where an option has been introduced to allow for a consistent accounting of GHG emissions over time. This is able to combine input information from CAPREG time series runs as well as (short run, nowcasting-style) CAPMOD simulation results. Furthermore, an R-based tool was introduced to the CAPRI GUI that maps GHG emissions data from CAPRI to the GHG emission balances contained in the National Inventory Reports (NIRs) that are submitted annually by countries in compliance with UNFCCC GHG reporting obligations.
 +==== Annex: Fertilizer Data used in CAPRI ====
 +CAPRI combines time series data on **total fertilizer** quantities at member state level from various sources:
 +  - total fertilizer from Eurostat: consumption of inorganic fertilizers [Eurostat table: aei_fm_usefert] (2000-2020) (“TOTdom”)
 +  - total fertilizer consumption (IFA) (1980-2020) (“TOTifa”)
 +  - total fertilizer from Eurostat: sales of manufactured fertilizers (source: EFMA) [Eurostat table: aei_fm_manfert] (1985-2019) (“TOTdem”)
 +  - total nitrogen consumption from UNFCCC (CRF) (“TOTcrf”)
 +  - total fertilizer from Eurostat: gross nutrient balance [Eurostat table: aei_pr_gnb] (1985-2019) (“TOTgnb”)
 +From these sources the total fertilizer consumption for use in CAPRI (TOTsel) is selected or computed. The application of fertilizer per crop is scaled to TOTsel, so that the sum over all crops (“TOTapp”) is equal TOTsel, the finally consolidated time series.
 +In the following the selections process of fertilizer sources are described in more detail:
 +The preferred and most reliable source of total fertilizer use in CAPRI (TOTsel) for the time period beginning in 2000 is assumed to be Eurostat’s total consumption of inorganic fertilizers (TOTdom).
 +This source is completed and replaced by total fertilizer consumption of IFA if Eurostat data is not available or does not appear to be sufficiently reliable. Potassium (K20) fertilizer consumption is missing from Eurostat’s TOTdom series for all European countries. Also, total fertilizers for Western Balkan countries apart from Albania are missing and taken over from IFA (TOTifa).
 +Some exceptions to these general rules:
 +  * In Albania we have the particularity that the potassium series from IFA appeared to be unrealistic. These originally very volatile data were therefore smoothed and interpolated.
 +  * Furthermore, the fertilizer data for Portugal is based on IFA data, as the Eurostat time series TOTdom appeared implausible and was discarded therefore.
 +  * Italy’s total fertilizer use is relied on EFMA data (TOTdem), which provides long and reliable time series for all three kinds of fertilizer.
 +  * Potassium for Cyprus from 2011 onwards is taken from TOTdem as TOTifa data shows a high volatility.
 +Our preferred Eurostat data (TOTdom) start only in 2000 such that a backward extension is necessary for CAPRI. Here the data sources are used hierarchically in the following order for completion: (1) Eurostat-EFMA data (TOTdem), (2) IFA fertilizer data which starts 1980 for several countries (TOTifa), (3) UNFCCC total nitrogen consumption (TOTcrf), and (4) Eurostat gross nutrient balance (TOTgnb).
 +If a different data source is used for the period before 2000, the conversion to the level of the later data source is carried out based on the relation between this source and TOTsel from the oldest common year. All backward extensions involving this level adjustment are marked “bas” in the table below.
 +Slovenian's nitrogen consumption before 2000 is based on TOTcrf and its total phosphorus consumption is based on TOTgnb because these data series apparently permit a reasonable backward extension.
 +Final fertilizer sources (TOTsel) applied in CAPRI:
 +Finally, the fertilizer use per crop is scaled to the total fertilizer use in CAPRI (TOTsel), so that the sum over all crops (TOTapp) is equal to our preferred series TOTsel.
 +In addition to the total fertilizer time series, CAPRI also uses data on **fertilizer utilization by crop (FUBC).** The following list gives (in a less detailed manner) an overview on the data sources collected and prepared for CAPRI:
 +  - Nonpublic FUBC data from the EFMA forecasting exercise in 2008 (fubc0608 (EFMA)). Data exist for the years 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2012, 2017. The years 2004, 2005 are forecasted by also using EFMA data from 2006 (“FUBCefm”).
 +  - IFA fertilizer data for the 90s (“FUBCifa”) exist for certain European member states, but is missing the Western Balkan Countries apart from Albania as well as Malta, Cyprus, Slovenia, Bulgaria, and Romania.
 +  - Data from a publication in Nature (“FUBCnature”) can be activated for all CAPRI “RMS” regions by setting the global %fert_from_Nature%==ON. The source can be found here:
 +FUBCefm data is backward extended by using FUBCifa. The use of FUBCnature can optionally be used. In the default setting this data source is not considered. If FUBCnature is activated, the source has priority to the combined source of FUBCefma and FUBCifa.
 ===== Input Allocation ===== ===== Input Allocation =====
Line 1971: Line 2068:
   * Output of manure at tail –depending on animal type, regional animal population and animal yields, as final weights or milk yields (see section on Output at tail).   * Output of manure at tail –depending on animal type, regional animal population and animal yields, as final weights or milk yields (see section on Output at tail).
   * Manure imports and exports (to the region)   * Manure imports and exports (to the region)
-  * Input of mineral fertiliser –as given from national statistics at sectoral level.+  * Input of mineral fertiliser –as given from national statistics at sectoral level. For details see[[|"Annex: Fertilizer Data used in CAPRI" in the CAPREG description]]
   * Input of crop residues, biological fixation, atmospheric deposition   * Input of crop residues, biological fixation, atmospheric deposition
   * Emissions (NH3, NOx, N2, N2O, CO2, CH4, NO3, C from soil erosion) only for nitrogen and carbon, and removals (carbon sequestration) only for carbon   * Emissions (NH3, NOx, N2, N2O, CO2, CH4, NO3, C from soil erosion) only for nitrogen and carbon, and removals (carbon sequestration) only for carbon
the_capri_data_base.1639490952.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/11/07 10:23 (external edit)

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