=====CAPDIS module – GUI basics===== Files: %curdir%/capdis.gms %curdir%/capdis/capddis_relevantsets.gms The distribution of crop shares, livestock numbers, yield and nitrogen flows is a sequential process of a number of sequential steps (CAPRI tasks). The distribution of land use and livestock numbers, yield and irrigation shares in each step is based on the results of the previous step which is used as priors. __A priori land use distribution (mode: LAPM)__: The first step uses statistical information available at the intersection of 10 km x 10 km grid cells and administrative units at the NUTS3 level (//literature source to be pasted// FIXME). This data is disaggregated into the spatial units. __CAPREG disaggregation (mode: CAPREG)__: the a priori land use distribution is used as prior information to disaggregate statistical information for the CAPRI base year, currently the year 2012. __Timeseries disaggregation (mode: TIMESERIES)__: results from the CAPREG disaggregation are used as priors for the time series disaggregation. __Baseline and scenarios (mode: CAPMOD)__: results from the CAPREG disaggregation are used as priors for the ex-ante simulation results The disaggregation module works at the level of CAPRI NUTS2 regions, which are run in parallel mode. The number of parallel instances depends on the computing capacity (check CAPRI settings, tab ‘GAMS and R’, Number obtained from ‘Get the number of processors …’ or written into the combo box). To combine result files at regional level into country-level result files, a CAPRI task ‘Collect disaggregation results’ is available. This can be done for results of all other CAPRI disaggregation tasks. Optionally, a new country file can be generated (overwriting previous results) or an existing country file updated (overwriting only the data of the ‘new’ NUTS2 results). Also the NUTS2 files can be deleted. **Figure 42: Sequential disaggregation of land use** {{::figure_42.png?600|}} \\ Source: own illustration. Note: this figure needs update and does not yet include the disaggregation of time series. {{::gui_p248.png?600|}} To activate CAPDIS (disaggregation module), select the CAPRI workstep “Disaggregate Results”. Then select one of the following CAPRI tasks: A priori land use distribution, Disaggregate CAPREG, Disaggregate timeseries, Disaggregate baseline, Disaggregate scenario, or Collect disaggregation results. All tasks can run in one go, or in separate simulations, if result files of the previous variable are available (e.g. land use already disaggregated for the disaggregation of livestock). {{:gui_p248_2.png?600|}} {{:gui_p249.png?600|}}