Adrian Leip
CAPRI network member since 2004
European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Climate Change Unit (TP 050)
Via Enrico Fermi, 2749, I - 21027 Ispra (VA), Italy
Telephone: ++39-(0)-332-78 6327
CAPRI projects
- Contribution to project EC4MACS (2007-2012) - European Consortium for Modelling of Air Pollution and Climate Strategies
- Contribution to GGELS-project, Evaluation of the livestock sector's contrubution to the EUs GHG emissions (2008-2010)
- Contribution to FP VI project CCAT (2007-2010)
- Contribution to FP project CAPRI-Dynaspat (2004-2007)
Publications, project reports and conference contributions
De Vries W., Leip A., Reinds G. J., Kros J., Lesschen J. P., Bouwman A.F, Grizzetti Bruna, Bouraoui Fayçal, K. Butterbach Bahl, Bergamaschi P, Winiwarter W. (2011):
Geographic variation in nitrogen budgets in agricultural and other terrestrial ecosystems over Europe.
In: Sutton M, Howard C, Erisman JW, Billen G, Bleeker A, van Grinsven H, Grennfelt P, Grizzetti B, Editors. European Nitrogen Assessment. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. p. 345-376.
Leip Adrian, Achermann Beat, Billen Gilles, Bleeker Albert, Bouwman Lex, de Vries Wim, Dragosits Ulli, Döring Ulrike, Fernall Dave, Geupel Markus, Johnes Penny, Le Gall Anne Christine , Monni Suvi, Neveceral Rostislav, Orlandini Lorenzo, Prud’homme Michel, Reuter Hannes, Simpson David, Seufert Guenther, Spranger Till, Sutton Mark, van Aardenne John , Voss Maren, Winiwarter Wilfried (2011):
Integrating nitrogen fluxes at the European scale.
In: Sutton M, Howard C, Erisman JW, Billen G, Bleeker A, van Grinsven H, Grennfelt P, Grizzetti B, Editors. European Nitrogen Assessment. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. p. 345-376.
Britz W., Verburg P. and Leip A. (2010):
Modelling of land cover and agricultural change in Europe: combining the CLUE and CAPRI-Spat approaches
Agric. Ecosyst. Environ., in press, 10.1016/j.agee.2010.03.008
Leip A., Britz W., de Vries W. and Weiss F. (2010):
Farm, Land, and Soil nitrogen budgets for Agriculture in Europe
Presentation at the Open Science Conference "Nitrogen and the European Greenhouse Gas Balance Integrating from Plot to European Scale", Solothurn, Switzerland, February 3rd and 4th, 2010
Britz W. and Leip A. (2009):
Development of marginal emission factors for N losses from agricultural soils with
the DNDC-CAPRI meta-model
Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 133 (2009), pp. 267-279, doi:10.1016/j.agee.2009.04.026
Adrian Leip, F. Weiss and Wolfgang Britz (2009):
Agri-environmental nitrogen indicators for EU27
in: Integrated Assessment of Agriculture and Sustainable Development (AgSAP), 10-12 March, 2009, Egmont an Zee (The Netherlands)
, S. 184-185
Leip, A., Marchi, G., Koeble, R., Kempen, Britz W. and Li, C. (2008):
Linking an economic model for European agriculture with a mechanistic model to estimate nitrogen losses from cropland
soil in Europe
Biogeosciences, 5(1): 73-94
Leip A. and Britz W. (2008):
A Statistical Meta Model of DNDC to Estimate Nitrogen Fate and Irrigation Water Needs at 1x1 km grid at Pan-European scale
Paper prepared for presentation at NEU-annual meeting. Gent, Belgium, February 18th, 2008
Leip, A., Marchi, G., Koeble, R., Kempen M., Britz W. and Li, C. (2007):
Linking an economic model for European agriculture with a mechanistic model to estimate nitrogen losses from cropland
soil in Europe
Biogeosciences Discuss., 4, 2215-2278, 2007
Leip, A., Koebl, R., Macchi, G., Kempen M. and Britz W. (2007):
Presented at workshop: Modelling the Management and Dynamics of Grass- and Croplands Across Scales, Aberdeen, 14th-16th June 2007
Perez. I., Britz W. and Holm-Mueller K. (2004):
The Use of Tradable Permits in the European Agriculture as a feasible and cost-effective Mitigation Strategy,
Poster presented at the International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture - Mitigation Options and Strategies, Leipzig (Germany), February 10-12 2004, Conference Proceedings pp. 335-336