Wolfgang Britz
CAPRI network member 1995-2014
University Bonn, Insititute for Food and Resource Economics
Nussallee 21, D-53115 Bonn, Germany
Telephone: ++49-(0)-228-73 2502
Major Contributions to CAPRI
- Co-ordination of CAPRI Network until 2013
- Development of the concept and implementation of the first version with T. Heckelei and others end of the nineties
- Since then continous contributions to all modules of CAPRI
- Development and maintenance of the GUI
Major CAPRI applications
- Analysis of different CAP-reforms (Agenda, MTR, Health Check, CAP post 2013)
- WTO and bi-lateral trade liberalization
- Combined application with GTAP (bio-fuels, ecological set-aside)
CAPRI projects
- Co-ordination of FP project CAP-STRAT (2001-2004)
- Co-ordination of FP project CAPRI-Dynaspat (2004-2007)
- Co-ordination of FP VII project CAPRI-RD (2009-2013) centered around CAPRI
- Contribution to FP VI project EU-Mercopol (2005-2008)
- Contribution to FP VI project EU-MedAgPol (2004-2007)
- ... many other