Demonstration videos of the GUI

These pages require Flash Player to be installed

  1. How to set-up the GUI to work with your installation
  2. How you use the interface to load results from existing scenarios for exploitation
  3. Basic elements of the GUI when working with tables
  4. How to show relative differences between scenarios
  5. How to show relative differences between scenarios in a map
  6. How to past a map from the GUI into another application such as MS Word
  7. How to change colors and number of classes in a map
  8. How to find the largest values in Europe (pivot, filter, sort)
  9. How to generate and zoom into a map with 1x1 km data
  10. How to add basic statistics and detect outliers with the GUI

Collection of slides from training sessions

All in Microsoft powerpoint format. Some of the slides carry name of presenters. These are not always the original authors of the slides. The collection is far from complete, and unfortunately, slides may be in parts not fully aligned with the actual status of the system.

Supply models

Introduction in the theory of mathematical programming

Restrictions and Input Coefficients in the regional supply models

CAP premium payments in regional supply models

Market model

Introduction to multi-commodity models, the CAPRI market model

Policy instruments in the CAPRI market model

Environmental indicators

GHG emission accounting

Overall system

Overview on CAPRI

Link between supply and demand module based on iterative solution

The CAPRI reference run

GAMS-CAPRI training

Important GAMS features for CAPRI

GAMS-CAPRI exercises (CAPRI Trunk r7043, CAPRI Results r11)

Multi-commodity models exercises (CAPRI Trunk r7043, CAPRI Results r11)

Supply model training

Introduction to the GUI

Different ways to run CAPRI

Data cube and important economic indicators

Structure of the supply model and scenario calculation