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      <H2><A HREF="http://www.ignacioperez.eu">Ignacio Pérez</A></H2> <div style="float:right"><IMG SRC="http://www.ilr.uni-bonn.de/Agpo/staff/thumbnails/perez.jpg"></div>
      <P>CAPRI network member since 2001</P>
      <P>OECD, Agro-Food Trade and Markets Division</P>
      <P>Paris, France </P>
       <P>E-mail: ignacio.perez@oecd.org </P>
      <H3>Current responsibilities</H3>
                 <LI>Development of Module ghg_ipcc for the definition of GHG emissions per region and activity based on IPCC methodology</LI>
      <H3>CAPRI projects</H3>
                 <LI>Contribution to FP VII project <A HREF="http://www.ilr.uni-bonn.de/agpo/rsrch/capri-rd/caprird_e.htm">CAPRI-RD</A> (2009-2013)</LI>
                 <LI>Contribution to FP project <A HREF="http://www.ilr.uni-bonn.de/agpo/rsrch/capstr/capstr_e.htm">CAP-STRAT</A> (2001-2004)</LI>
                 <LI>Contribution to <A HREF="http://www.eurocare-bonn.de/activities/activities_fin/mtrcapri/mtrcapri_e.htm/">Impact Analysis of the EU Commission's Proposal under the Mid-Term Review of the Common Agricultural Policy with CAPRI</A> (2002)</LI>
       <H3>Publications, project reports and conference contributions</H3>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Janssen S, Athanasiadis I, Li H, Bezlepkina I, Knapen R, P&eacute;rez-Dom&iacute;nguez I, Rizzoli A.E and van Ittersum M.K (2011)</span>.<BR>
                <I><A HREF="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2010.10.011">Linking Models for Assessing Agricultural Land Use Change</A></I><BR>Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 76 (2) 148-160, Elsevier</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Tukker A, de Koning A, Wolf O, Bausch-Goldbohm S, Verheijden M, Kleijn R, P&eacute;rez-Dom&iacute;nguez I and Rueda-Cantuche JM (2011)</span>:<BR>
                <I><A HREF="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2011.05.001">Environmental Impacts of Changes to Healthier Diets in Europe</A></I>
                <BR>Ecological Economics 70 (2011) 1776-1788, Elsevier</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Wolf, O., Perez-Dominguez, I., Rueda-Cantuche, J.M., Tukker, A., Kleijn, R., de Koning, A., Bausch-Goldbohm, S. and Verheijden, M. (2011)</span>:<BR>
                <I><A HREF="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpolmod.2010.10.009">Do healthy diets in Europe matter to the environment? A quantitative analysis</A></I><BR>
                Journal of Policy Modeling, 33(1), pp 8-28</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Kempen, M., Witzke. P., P&eacute;rez-Dom&icute;nguez. I., Jansson, T. and Sckokai, P. (2011)</span>:<BR>
                <I><A HREF="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpolmod.2010.10.007">Economic and environmental impacts of milk quota reform in Europe</A></I>
                <BR>Journal of Policy Modeling, 33(1), pp 29-52</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Britz W., Perez I. and Heckelei T. (2010)</span>:<BR>
                <I><A HREF="http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-90-481-3619-3_11">A comparison of CAPRI and SEAMLESS as Integrated Modelling Systems</A></I>
                <BR>in: Brouwer, F., van Ittersum, M.K. (Eds.), Environmental and agricultural modelling: integrated approaches for policy impact assessment. Springer, Dordrecht, 2010</P>
                <p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Gocht A, P&eacute;rez Domínguez and Cristoiu A. (2010): </span><A HREF="ftp://ftp.jrc.es/pub/EURdoc/JRC53518.pdf">Update of a quantitative tool for farm systems level analysis of agricultural policies</A>,</span>
                <span class=pubPresWo> JRC Scientific and Technical Reports,</span>
                <span class=pubPresWo> Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Seville, EUR 24321 EN</span></p>
                <p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Torbjoern JanssonT, Ignacio P&egrave;rez Dominguez and Franz Weiss (2010): </span>
                Estimation of Greenhouse Gas coefficients per Commodity and World Region to Capture Emission Leakage in European Agriculture</A></span>
                <span class=pubPresWo>, selected paper</span>
                <span class=pubPresWo>Proceedings of the 119th EAAE Seminar Sustainability in the Food Sector: Rethinking the Relationship between the Agro-Food System and the Natural, Social, Economic and Institutional Environments, Capri, Italy, June, 30th - July 2nd </span>
                <p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Arno Becker, Marcel Aden&auml;uer and M. Blanco Fonseca (2010): </span><span class=pubTitel><A HREF="http://purl.umn.edu/91395">Impacts of European biofuel policies on agricultural markets and environment under consideration of 2nd generation technologies and international trade</A></span>
                <span class=pubPresWo>, selected paper</span>
                <span class=pubPresWo> presented at the IATRC Public Trade Policy Research and Analysis Symposium "Climate Change in World Agriculture: Mitigation, Adaptation, Trade and Food Security," June 27 - 29, 2010, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart (Germany)</span>
                <p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Torbjoern JanssonT, Ignacio P&egrave;rez Dominguez and Franz Weiss (2010): </span>
                Estimation of Greenhouse Gas coefficients per Commodity and World Region to Capture Emission Leakage in European Agriculture</A></span>
                <span class=pubPresWo>, selected paper</span>
                <span class=pubPresWo> presented at the IATRC Public Trade Policy Research and Analysis Symposium "Climate Change in World Agriculture: Mitigation, Adaptation, Trade and Food Security," June 27 - 29, 2010, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart (Germany)</span>
                <p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Ignacio P&egrave;rez Dominguez, Wolfgang Britz and Karin Holm-M&uuml;ller (2009)</span>:<BR><I>
                <span class=pubTitel><I><A HREF="http://www.raestud.eu/pagint_en/recherche/affiche_art.php?cid=57">Trading Schemes for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from European Agriculture: A Comparative Analysis based on different Implementation Options</A></I></span></I>
                <span class=pubPresWo><BR>Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies</span>
                <span class=pubPresWo>90(3), pp.287-308</span></p>
                <p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Tukker A., Bausch-Goldbohm S., Verheijden M., de Koning A., Kleijn R., Wolf O. and P&eacute;rez Domínguez I. (2009):</span><BR>
                <A HREF=http://ipts.jrc.ec.europa.eu/publications/pub.cfm?id=2359><I>Environmental Impacts of Diet Changes in the EU</I></A><BR>
                JRC Sicentific and technical report, EUR Number: 23783 EN, 6/2009</p>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Jansson, T., Bakker, M., Boitier, B., Fougeyrollas, A., Helming, J., Meijl, H.v., and Verkerk, H. (2008)</span>:<BR>
                <I><A HREF="http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-78648-1_9">Cross sector land use modelling framework</A></I>
                <BR>In: K. Helming, M. P&eacute;rez-Soba, and P. Tabbush (Ed.), Sustainability impact assessment of land use changes:Berlin: Springer.</P>
                <p class="pubParagraph">
                <span class="pubAuthor">P&eacute;rez Domínguez I and Holm-M&uuml;ller K. (2008)</span>:<BR>
              <A HREF="http://EconPapers.repec.org/RePEc:ags:gjagec:96766"><I>Opt-in of the Agricultural Sector to the European Trading Scheme for Greenhouse Gas Emissions. A Proposal and its possible effects</I></A>,<BR>
              Agrarwirtschaft, Jahrgang 56(8), pp.354-365</P
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Ribas Alvarez, A., Perez, I. and Britz W. (2007):</span><BR>
                <I>Efectos previsibles da reforma da PAC de 2003 no sector productor de carne de vac&uacute;n en Galiza</I>
                <BR>Revista trimestral de información economica, ISSN 0214-4646, (37), 2007, pags. 65-77<P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Britz, W., Heckelei, T., Junker, F. and  Perez, I. (2007)</span>:<BR>
                <I>Analyse  der Auswirkungen von Handelpolitikszenarien auf die landwirtschaftlichen  M&auml;rkte,</I><BR>
                in: Tagungsband der 19. und 20. Wissenschaftlichen Fachtagung:  Landwirtschaft 2015, pp. 10-22</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Britz, W., P&eacute;rez, I., Zimmermann, A. and Heckelei, T.</span>:<BR>
                <I><A HREF="http://www.seamless-ip.org/Reports/Report_26_PD3.5.1.1.pdf">Definition of the CAPRI Core Modelling System and Interfaces with other Components of SEAMLESS-IF</A></I>
                <BR>SEAMLESS report no. 26, January 2007</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Perez, I.Holm-Mueller, K. and Britz W.</span>:<BR><I>
                <A HREF=http://www.ecomod.org/files/papers/361.doc>Modelling a Trading Scheme for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from European Agriculture. A Comparative Analysis Based on Different
                Policy Options</A></I>
                <BR>Paper presented at the ECOMOD conference on Economic and Environmental Modelling, Moscow, September 13-14, 2007</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Britz W., Heckelei, T. and Perez, I.</span> (2006):<BR>
                <A HREF="http://EconPapers.repec.org/RePEc:ags:gjagec:97188"><I>Land Use Effects of Decoupling: An EU wide, regionally differentiated Analysis</A></I>,
                <BR>Agrarwirtschaft , Band 55 , S. 215-226</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph" <span class="pubAuthor">Wieck, C., Junker, F., P&eacute;rez, I., Heckelei, T. and Britz W. (2006)</span>:<BR>
                <I><A HREF="http://www.impact.wsu.edu/publications/tech_papers/pdf/TWP-06-116.pdf">Combining Global Trade Analysis with Regional Impact Assessment: Effects of Trade Liberalisation under the recent CAP Reform</A></I>,
                <BR>IMPACT TWP 06-116, Pullman, WA.</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Britz W., Heckelei T., Perez I., Junker F. und C. Wieck</span>:<BR><I>How sustainable is the latest CAP Reform under the possible Trade Liberalisation Outcomes of the Doha Round?</I>,
                <BR>paper resented at the IATRC summer meeting 2005, Sevilla, June 16/17 2005: "Pressures for Agricultural Reform:
                WTO Panels and the Doha Round Negotiations"</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Perez I.(2005):</span><BR><I><A HREF="http:// hss.ulb.uni-bonn.de/2005/0538/0538.pdf> Greenhouse Gases: Inventories, Abatement Costs and Markets for Emission Permits
                in European Agriculture - A Modelling Approach, </A></I>Doctoral Thesis, 165 pp.</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Perez I. and Holm-M&uuml;ller</span>:<BR><I>Economic Incentives and Technological Options to Global Warming
                Emission Abatement in European Agriculture, </I>Paper presented at the <A href="http://www.unipr.it/arpa/dipseq/EAAE/">89th EAAE Seminar</A>,
                Parma (Italy), February 3-5, 2005</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Perez I. and Wieck C. (2005)</span>:<BR><I> Welfare distribution between EU Member States through
                different national decoupling options - Implications for Spain,</I> Paper submitted to the 'Economía Agraria
              y Recursos Naturales', Asociación Espa&ntilde;ola de Economía Agraria</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Perez I. and Wieck C. </span>:<BR><I>Welfare distribution between
                EU member states through different national decoupling options - Implications for Spain,
              </I>Paper presented at the <A href="http://www.vcongresoaeea.org">V Congreso Nacional de Economía Agraria</A>,
                Santiago de Compostela (Spain), September 15-17, 2004</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Perez. I., Britz W. and Holm-Mueller K.</span>:<BR><I>
                The Use of Tradable Permits in the European Agriculture as a feasible and cost-effective Mitigation Strategy</I>,
                <BR> Poster presented at the International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture - Mitigation Options and Strategies, Leipzig (Germany), February 10-12 2004, Conference Proceedings pp. 335-336<P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Britz W., Helming, J. and Perez, I.</span>:<BR><I>Development of models and tools for assessing the environmental impact of agricultural policies,</I>
                Final report for DG-ENV, 2003</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Britz W. and  Perez, I.</span>:<BR>
                <I>Regional Nitrate Balances for Europe at a Medium Term Perspective under different CAP policy options</I>,
                <BR>Final project report for the "Bundesumweltamt" (Geman Federal Environmenal Agency), 2003</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Britz W., Wieck, C. and Perez, I.</span>:<BR>
                <I><A HREF=http://www.ecostat.unical.it/2003agtradeconf/Contributed%20papers/Wieck,%20Perez%20Dominguez%20and%20Britz.pdf>New challenges for the European Agriculture: Modelling agricultural reform
               under the new WTO proposals</A>,</I> Conference: "Agricultural policy reform and the WTO: where are we heading?", CAPRI, Italy, June 2003</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Perez, I., Britz W. and Wieck, C.</span>:<BR>
                <I>Modelling of passive environmental indicators for the European Agriculture: the role of marginal abatement costs,</I> 12th Annual Conference of the EAERE, Bilbao (Spain), June 28-30, 2003</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Britz W., Wieck, C. and Perez, I.</span>:<BR><I>New challenges for the European Agriculture: Modelling agricultural reform
                under the new WTO proposals,</I> Conference "Policy Modelling" EcoMod 2003, Istanbul, July 3-5, 2003</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Britz W., Wieck, C. and Perez, I.</span>:<BR>
                <I>Expectativas a Medio Plazo del Mercado L&aacute;cteo Europeo tras las Propuestas de Agenda 2000 y Revisión Intermedia - Un An&aacute;lisis cuantitativo y regional del Sector
                L&aacute;cteo Espa&ntilde;ol con el Modelo CAPRI, </I>AEEA Seminar (3/13/2003)</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Britz W., Wieck, C., Perez, I. and Jansson, T.</span>:<BR>
                <I><A HREF=https://www.uni-hohenheim.de/i410b/download/gewisola/papers/wieck.pdf>Auswirkungen der MTR-Beschl&uuml;sse auf die Landnutzung in
               den europ&auml;ischen Regionen und Betrieben - Eine quantitative Analyse mit CAPRI Modellsystem</A>,</I> Gewisola Tagung Hohenheim 2003 , Hohenheim, September 2003</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Britz W., Wieck C. and Perez I.</span>:<BR>
                <I><A HREF=http://www.ec.europa.eu/agriculture/publi/reports/mtrimpact/rep_en.pdf>Impact Analysis of the Medium Term Review Proposals with the CAPRI Modelling System</A></I><BR>
                Published by the European Commission, February 2003</P>
                <P class="pubParagraph"><span class="pubAuthor">Perez, I. and Britz W.</span>:<BR>
                <I><A HREF=https://www.uni-hohenheim.de/i410b/download/gewisola/papers/perez.pdf>Europaweite Reduktion des Aussto&szlig;es klimarelevanter Emissionen durch handelbare Emissionsrechte
  1. eine Analyse mit dem regionalisierten Agrarsektormodell CAPRI</A></I>
                Gewisola Tagung Hohenheim 2003, September 2003</P>
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