Presenter: Ferike Thom
Presentation with hands-on exercise: Download
GAMS files
Replace the New GUI definition file in the folder …\GUI.
Store the scenario file mandate_SA_100.gms in ..\gams\pol_input\userScens.
Store the policy file double_biof_mandate.gms in …\gams\scen\bio_fuels.
Generate the reference file res_2_1730userScens_refdefaultA.gdx by running the reference scenario with only the market module or store this file in …\output\results\capmod.
Generate the simulation results file res_2_1730userScens_mandate_SA_100defaultA.gdx by running the scenario with only the market model or store this file in …\output\results\capmod.
Additional Reading
Becker 2011 Impacts of European biofuel policies on global biofuel and agricultural markets
Blanco et al., 2013 Methodology to assess EU Biofuel Policies: The CAPRI Approach
Yano et al., 2012 From Ethanol Shuffle to Ethanol Tourism. Why the RFS Does Not Make Sense