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<H1>Publications and conference contributions based on the CAPRI modelling system or its results</H1>
<P>Some of the publications refer to projects or studies where other modelling systems were used as well.</P>
<H2><A name=“pap”>Peer reviewed journal articles and book chapter</H2>
<H3><A name=“2017”>2017</H3>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Blanco M., Ramos F., Van Doorslaer B., Martínez P., Fumagalli D., Ceglar A., Fernández F.J.</span> (2017). <span class=pubTitel><A HREF=http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.agsy.2017.05.013>Climate change impacts on EU agriculture: A regionalized perspective taking into account market-driven adjustments</A></span><span class=pubPresWo>. Agricultural Systems, 156</span><span class=pubPresWo>: 52-66. doi:10.1016/j.agsy.2017.05.013</span></p>
<H3><A name=“2016”>2016</H3>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Gocht, A., Espinosa, M., Leip, A., Lugato, E., Schroeder, L.A., Van Doorslaer, B., Gomez y Paloma, S.</span> (2016):<span class=pubTitel><A HREF=http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264837715301368>A grassland strategy for farming systems in Europe to mitigate GHG emissions—An integrated spatially differentiated modelling approach</A></span><span class=pubPresWo>, Land Use Policy 58 (15. Dezember 2016)</span><span class=pubPresWo>: 318–34. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2016.07.024</span></p>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Espinosa, M., Gocht, A., Heckelei, T., Gomez y Paloma, S.</span> (2016):<span class=pubTitel><A HREF=http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0161893816300011>Incorporating farm structural change in models assessing the Common Agricultural Policy: an application in the CAPRI farm type model</A></span><span class=pubPresWo>, Journal of Policy Modeling</span><span class=pubPresWo> Available online 19 April 2016</span><span class=pubPresWo>: in press</span></p>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Araujo-Enciso S.R., Blanco M., Artavia M., Ramos F., M'Barek R., Van Doorslaer B., Stanca L., Donmez A.</span> (2016). <span class=pubTitel><A HREF=https://www.routledge.com/products/9781138937413>Medium-term Drivers of Food Markets Variability and Uncertainty</A></span><span class=pubPresWo>. In Garrido et al. (Eds.), “Agricultural Markets Instability: Revisiting the Recent Food Crises”, pp. 59-73. London and New York: Routledge.</span></p>
<H3><A name=“2015”>2015</H3>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Leip, A., Billen, G., Garnier, J., Grizzetti, B., Lassaletta, L., Reis, S., Simpson, D., Sutton, M. a, de Vries, W., Weiss, F., Westhoek, H. </span> (2015): <span class=pubTitel><A HREF=http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/10/11/115004/pdf>Impacts of European livestock production: nitrogen, sulphur, phosphorus and greenhouse gas emissions, land-use, water eutrophication and biodiversity</A></span><span class=pubPresWo>, Environmental Research Letters</span><span class=pubPresWo> 10</span><span class=pubPresWo>: 115004</span></p>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Schroeder, L.A., Gocht, A., Britz, W.</span> (2015): <span class=pubTitel><A HREF=http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1477-9552.12091/abstract>The impact of Pillar II Funding: validation of a modelling and evaluation perspective</A></span><span class=pubPresWo>, Journal of Agricaltural Econonomics</span><span class=pubPresWo> 66(2)</span><span class=pubPresWo>: 415-441</span></p>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Kita, K., Adenäuer, M.</span> (2015): <span class=pubTitel><A HREF=http://www.jard.edu.pl/pub/11_2_2015.pdf>The international competitiveness of Polish Agri-Food products on the NAFTA market under the trade-liberalization process</A></span><span class=pubPresWo>, Journal of Agriculture & Rural Development</span><span class=pubPresWo> 36(2)</span><span class=pubPresWo>: 245–256</span></p>
<H3><A name=“2014”>2014</H3>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Leip, A., Weiss, F., Lesschen, J.P., Westhoek, H.</span> (2014):<span class=pubTitel><A HREF=http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0021859613000786> The nitrogen footprint of food products in the European Union</A></span><span class=pubPresWo>, The Journal of Agricultural Science</span><span class=pubPresWo> 152</span><span class=pubPresWo>: 20–33</span></p>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Zawaliñska, K., Was, A., Britz, W.</span> (2014): <span class=pubTitel><A HREF=http://www.jard.edu.pl/pub/17_4_2014.pdf>Impact of “Greening” the Common Agricultural Policy on Sustainability of European Agricuture: From Perspective of the Baltic Sea Countries</A></span><span class=pubPresWo>, Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development</span><span class=pubPresWo> 4(34)</span><span class=pubPresWo>: 191-212</span></p>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Mittenzwei, K., Britz, W., Wieck, C.</span>:<BR> <span class=pubTitel>Does the “green box” of the European Union distort global markets?</span><BR><span class=pubPresWo>Bio-based and Applied Economics</span><span class=pubPresWo> 3(1)</span><span class=pubPresWo>: 1-20</span> <span class=pubPresWo>, <a href=http://dx.doi.org/10.13128/BAE-13622 >Link</a></span>.</p> <p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Pelikan, J., Britz, W., Hertel, T. W.</span>:<BR> <span class=pubTitel>Green Light for Green Agricultural Policies? An Analysis at Regional and Global Scales</span><BR><span class=pubPresWo>Journal of Agricultural Economics (in press)</span> <span class=pubPresWo>, <a href=http://www.dx.doi.org/10.1111/1477-9552.12065>Link</a></span>.</p>
<H3><A name=“2013”>2013</H3>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Shrestha S., Ciaian P., Himics M., Van Doorslaer B.</span>:<BR> <span class=pubTitel><a href=“http://roaae.org/issue/review-of-agricultural-and-applied-economics-raae-vol-16-no-2/?article=impacts-of-climate-change-on-eu-agriculture”>Impacts of climate change on EU agriculture</A></span><BR> <span class=pubPresWo><span class=pubPresWo>Review of Agricultural and Applied Economics</span>, Vol. 16 (2), pp. 24-39</span></p>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Britz, W., Delzeit, R.</span> (2013): <span class=pubTitel>The impact of German biogas production on European and global agricultural markets, land use and the environment</span><span class=pubPresWo>, Energy Policy (in press)</span> <span class=pubPresWo>, <a href=http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2013.06.123>Link…</a></span>.</p>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Gocht, A., Britz, W., Ciaian, P., Gomez y Paloma, S.</span> (2013): <span class=pubTitel>Farm Type Effects of an EU-wide Direct Payment Harmonisation</span><span class=pubPresWo>, Journal of Agricultural Economics</span><span class=pubPresWo> 64(1)</span><span class=pubPresWo>: 1-32</span> <span class=pubPresWo>, <a href=http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1477-9552.12005>Link…</a></span>.</p>
<H3><A name=“2012”>2012 </H3>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Weiss, F. and Leip. A.,</span>:<BR> <span class=pubTitel><a href=“http://doi:10.1016/j.agee.2011.12.015”>Greenhouse gas emissions from the EU livestock sector: A life cycle assessment carried out with the CAPRI model</A></span><BR> <span class=pubPresWo><span class=pubPresWo>Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment</span>, Vol. 149 (March 2012), pp. 124-134, doi:10.1016/j.agee.2011.12.015</span></p>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Renwick, A., Jansson, T., Verburg, P. H., Revoredo-Giha, C., Britz, W., Gocht, A. and McCracken, D.,</span>:<BR> <span class=pubTitel><a href=“http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2012.04.005”>Policy reform and agricultural land abandonment in the EU</A></span><BR> <span class=pubPresWo><span class=pubPresWo>Land Use Policy</span>, 30 (2013) 446 - 457, doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2012.04.005</span></p>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Britz, W., Gocht, A., Pèrez Dominguez, I., Jansson, T., Grosche, S. and Zhao, N.</span>:<BR> <span class=pubTitel><a href=http://www.gjae-online.de/inhaltsverzeichnisse/pages/protected/show.prl?params=recent%3D1%26type%3D2&id=656&currPage=&type=2> EU-Wide (Regional and Farm Level) Effects of Premium Decoupling and Harmonisation Following the Health Check Reform</A></span><BR> <span class=pubPresWo>German Journal of Agricultural Economics</span><span class=pubPresWo>, vol. 61</span><span class=pubPresWo>, p. 44-56</span></p>
<H3><A name=“2011”>2011 </H3>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Leip A., Britz W., de Vries W. and Weiss F. (2011)</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0269749111000625”>Farm, land, and soil nitrogen budgets for agriculture in Europe calculated with CAPRI</A></I> <BR>Environmental Pollution 159(11), 3243-3253</P>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Leip, A., Weiss, F. and Britz, W. (2011): </span>:<BR> <I>Agri-Environmental Nitrogen Indicators for EU27</I><BR><span class=pubPresWo>in: Flichman G. (ed.), Bio-Economic Models applied to Agricultural Systems, p. 109-124</span><span class=pubPresWo>, Springer, Netherlands</span> </p>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Janssen S, Athanasiadis I, Li H, Bezlepkina I, Knapen R, Pérez-Domínguez I, Rizzoli A.E and van Ittersum M.K (2011)</span>.<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2010.10.011”>Linking Models for Assessing Agricultural Land Use Change</A></I><BR>Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 76 (2) 148-160, Elsevier</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Tukker A, de Koning A, Wolf O, Bausch-Goldbohm S, Verheijden M, Kleijn R, Pérez-Domínguez I and Rueda-Cantuche JM (2011)</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2011.05.001”>Environmental Impacts of Changes to Healthier Diets in Europe</A></I> <BR>Ecological Economics 70 (2011) 1776-1788, Elsevier</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>De Vries W., Leip A., Reinds G. J., Kros J., Lesschen J. P., Bouwman A.F, Grizzetti Bruna, Bouraoui Faycal, K. Butterbach Bahl, Bergamaschi P, Winiwarter W. (2011)</span>:<BR> <a href=“http://www.nine-esf.org/ENA-Book” target=“_parent”>Geographic variation in nitrogen budgets in agricultural and other terrestrial ecosystems over Europe.</a> <BR>In: Sutton M, Howard C, Erisman JW, Billen G, Bleeker A, van Grinsven H, Grennfelt P, Grizzetti B, Editors. <i>European Nitrogen Assessment.</i> Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. p. 345-376.</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Leip Adrian, Achermann Beat, Billen Gilles, Bleeker Albert, Bouwman Lex, de Vries Wim, Dragosits Ulli, Döring Ulrike, Fernall Dave, Geupel Markus, Johnes Penny, Le Gall Anne Christine , Monni Suvi, Neveceral Rostislav, Orlandini Lorenzo, Prud'homme Michel, Reuter Hannes, Simpson David, Seufert Guenther, Spranger Till, Sutton Mark, van Aardenne John , Voss Maren, Winiwarter Wilfried (2011)</span>:<BR><a href=“http://www.nine-esf.org/ENA-Book” target=“_parent”>Integrating nitrogen fluxes at the European scale.</a> <BR>In: Sutton M, Howard C, Erisman JW, Billen G, Bleeker A, van Grinsven H, Grennfelt P, Grizzetti B, Editors. <i>European Nitrogen Assessment.</i> Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. p. 345-376.</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Wolf, O., Perez-Dominguez, I., Rueda-Cantuche, J.M., Tukker, A., Kleijn, R., de Koning, A., Bausch-Goldbohm, S. and Verheijden, M. (2011)</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpolmod.2010.10.009”>Do healthy diets in Europe matter to the environment? A quantitative analysis</A></I><BR> Journal of Policy Modeling, 33(1), pp 8-28</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Kempen, M., Witzke. P., Pérez-Dom&icute;nguez. I., Jansson, T. and Sckokai, P. (2011)</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpolmod.2010.10.007”>Economic and environmental impacts of milk quota reform in Europe</A></I> <BR>Journal of Policy Modeling, 33(1), pp 29-52</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Gocht, A., and Britz, W. (2011)</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jpolmod.2010.10.006”>EU-wide farm type supply models in CAPRI - How to consistently disaggregate sector models into farm type models.</A></I> <BR>Journal of Policy Modeling (2010), 33(1), pp 146-167</P>
<p class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Jansson, T., und Heckelei, T. (2011)</span>:<BR> </I><a href=“http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1477-9552.2010.00270.x”>Estimating a Primal Model of Regional Crop Supply in the European Union</A></I> <BR>Journal of Agricultural Economics, 62 (1), pp 137-152</p> </p>
<H3><A name=“2010”>2010</H3>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W., Verburg P. and Leip A. (2010)</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2010.03.008”>Modelling of land cover and agricultural change in Europe: combining the CLUE and CAPRI-Spat approaches</A></I> <BR>Agric. Ecosyst. Environ., in press, 10.1016/j.agee.2010.03.008</P></P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W., Perez I. and Heckelei T. (2010)</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-90-481-3619-3_11”>A comparison of CAPRI and SEAMLESS as Integrated Modelling Systems</A></I> <BR>in: Brouwer, F., van Ittersum, M.K. (Eds.), Environmental and agricultural modelling: integrated approaches for policy impact assessment. Springer, Dordrecht, 2010</P>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Bezlepkina, I., Adenäuer, M., Kuiper, M., Janssen, S., Knapen, R., Kanellopoulos, A., Brouwer, F., Wien, J.-E., Wolf, J., van Ittersum, M.</span> (2010): <span class=pubTitel>Using the SEAMLESS integrated framework for ex-ante assessment of trade policies</span> <span class=pubPresWo>, In: Trienekens, J., Top, J., Van der Vorst, J. and Beulens, A. (eds.), Towards effective food chains: models and applications. </span><span class=pubPresWo> Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, the Netherlands</span><span class=pubPresWo>, pp. 251-271</span></p>
<H3><A name=“2009”>2009</H3>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Ignacio Pèrez Dominguez, Wolfgang Britz and Karin Holm-Müller (2009)</span>:<BR><I> <span class=pubTitel><I><A HREF=“http://www.raestud.eu/pagint_en/recherche/affiche_art.php?cid=57”>Trading Schemes for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from European Agriculture: A Comparative Analysis based on different Implementation Options</A></I></span></I> <span class=pubPresWo><BR>Review of Agricultural and Environmental Studies</span> <span class=pubPresWo>90(3), pp.287-308</span> </p>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W. and Leip A. (2009)</span>:<BR><I><A HREF=“http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2009.04.026”>Development of marginal emission factors for N losses from agricultural soils with the DNDC-CAPRI meta-model</A></I><BR>Agric. Ecosyst. Environ. 133 (2009), pp. 267-279, doi:10.1016/j.agee.2009.04.026</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Wolfgang Britz and Tom Hertel (2009)</span>:<BR><A HREF=“http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.agee.2009.11.003”><I>Impacts of EU Biofuels Directives on Global Markets and EU Environmental Quality: An integrated PE, Global CGE analysis</I></A><BR>Agric. Ecosyst. Environ., (2009), doi:10.1016/j.agee.2009.11.003</P></P>
<p class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Marie-Gabrielle Piketty, Lucie Weissleder, Hildo Meirelles de Souza Filho, Mario Otávio Batalha, Marcel Adenäuer and Arno Becker (2009):</span><BR> <A HREF=“http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1574-0862.2009.00390.x”><I>Assessing agricultural trade policies options with European Union: A Brazilian perspective</I></A><BR>Agricultural Economics , Band 40 , S. 447-457</P>
<H3><A name=“2008”>2008</H3>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W. (2008)</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://www.gjae-online.de/news/pdfstamps/freeoutputs/GJAE-483_2008.pdf”>Automated model linkages: the example of CAPRI</A></I> <BR>Agrarwirtschaft, Jahrgang 57 (2008), Heft 8</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Jansson, T., Bakker, M., Boitier, B., Fougeyrollas, A., Helming, J., Meijl, H.v., and Verkerk, H. (2008)</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-78648-1_9”>Cross sector land use modelling framework</A></I> <BR>In: K. Helming, M. Pérez-Soba, and P. Tabbush (Ed.), Sustainability impact assessment of land use changes:Berlin: Springer.</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Leip, A., Marchi, G., Koeble, R., Kempen, Britz W. and Li, C. (2008)</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://www.biogeosciences.net/5/73/2008/bg-5-73-2008.html”>Linking an economic model for European agriculture with a mechanistic model to estimate nitrogen losses from cropland soil in Europe</A></I><BR>Biogeosciences, 5(1): 73-94</P>
<p class=“pubParagraph”> <span class=“pubAuthor”>Pérez Domínguez I and Holm-Müller K. </span>:<BR> <A HREF=“http://EconPapers.repec.org/RePEc:ags:gjagec:96766”><I>Opt-in of the Agricultural Sector to the European Trading Scheme for Greenhouse Gas Emissions. A Proposal and its possible effects</I></A>,<BR> Agrarwirtschaft, Jahrgang 56(8), pp.354-365</P>
<H3><A name=“2007”>2007</H3>
<p class=“pubParagraph”> <span class=“pubAuthor”> Adenauer, M., Jansson, T, Johansson, H.</span>:<BR> Effects of the EU Sugar Reform on Developing Countries.<BR> In:<A Href=“http://www.e-elgar-economics.com/Bookentry_Main.lasso?id=3731”> The European Union and Developing countries: Trade, Aid and Growth in an Integrating World</A> / Bourdet, Y., Gullstrand, J., Olofsdotter, K., . - Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2007 - ISBN 9781845422462</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Leip, A., Marchi, G., Koeble, R., Kempen M., Britz W. and Li, C.</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://www.biogeosciences-discuss.net/4/2215/2007/bgd-4-2215-2007.pdf”>Linking an economic model for European agriculture with a mechanistic model to estimate nitrogen losses from cropland soil in Europe</A></I><BR>Biogeosciences Discuss., 4, 2215-2278, 2007</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Mittenzwei K., Fjellstad W., Dramstad W., Flaten O., Gjertsen A.K., Loureiro M. and Prestegard S.P.</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2006.10.002”>Opportunities and limitations in assessing the multifunctionality of agriculture within the CAPRI model</A></I> <BR>Ecological Indicators 7(4) (November 2007), 827-838.</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Ribas Alvarez, A., Perez, I. and Britz W.:</span><BR> <I>Efectos previsibles da reforma da PAC de 2003 no sector productor de carne de vacún en Galiza</I> <BR>Revista trimestral de información economica, ISSN 0214-4646, (37), 2007, pags. 65-77<P>
<H3><A name=“2006”>2006</H3>
<p class=“pubParagraph”> <span class=“pubAuthor”>Balkhausen O., Banse M. and Grethe H.</span> (2006):<BR> <I><A HREF=“”>Modelling CAP Decoupling in the EU: A Comparison of Selected Simulation Models and Results</A></I><BR> Journal of Agricultural Economics, 59(19, 57-71)<br> <Font size=1>Note: That is a comparison paper, where also results from AGLINK, AG-MEMOD, CAPSIM, ESIM, FAPRI, GOAL and GTAP are discussed</Font></P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W., Heckelei, T. and Perez, I.</span> (2006):<BR> <A HREF=“http://EconPapers.repec.org/RePEc:ags:gjagec:97188”><I>Land Use Effects of Decoupling: An EU wide, regionally differentiated Analysis</A></I>, <BR>Agrarwirtschaft , Band 55 , S. 215-226</P>
<p class=“pubParagraph”> <span class=“pubAuthor”>Mittenzwei, K., Adenäuer, M., Asheim, L.
</span> and <span class=“pubAuthor”>,Prestegard, S. </span> (2006): <BR> <A HREF=“http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/16507540600682453”>Medium-term EU Integration Impacts on Norwegian Agriculture: A Partial Equlibrium Analysis.</A>,<BR> FOOD ECONOMICS, Volume 3, Number 1, 2006</P>
<p class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Perez, I. and Wieck, C. </span>(2006): <BR> <I><A HREF=http://www.ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/8005/1/06110109.pdf>Welfare Distribution between EU Member States through different National Decoupling Options - Implications for Spain</A></I>, <BR>Economia Agraria y Recursos Naturales 6: 109-137.</P> <H3><A name=“Before”>Before</H3>
<p class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Bäckstrand, A.; Jansson, T.; Rabinowicz, E.</span> (2004) : <BR> Effekter av enhetspremie på jordbruket i EU och Sverige (Effects of standard subsidy for the agriculture in EU and Sweden). <i>Sveriges Utsädesförenings Tidskrift (Journal of the Swedish Seed Association) (2003)</i> 1: 44-49.
</span>/p> <P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W., Heckelei, T. and Wolff, H. </span> (2003) :<BR> <I>Symmetric Positive Equilibrium Problem: A Framework for Rationalizing Economic Behavior with Limited Information: Comment.</I><BR> Amer. J. Agr. Ecom. 85(4) (November 2003): 1078-1081s</span> </P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W. and Heckelei T.</span>: (2000) <BR> <I>Positive Mathematical Programming with Multiple Data Points:<BR> A Cross-Sectional Estimation Procedure</I><BR> in <A HREF=“http://www.inra.fr/Internet/Departements/ESR/publications/cahiers/cahiers.htm”>Cahiers d'Economie et Sociologie Rurales</A> Nr 57, 4e trimestre 2000</span></P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Henrichsmeyer, W., Britz, W., Heckelei, T., Meudt, M., Sander, R.</span> (1999) : <BR><I>Konzept eines regionalisierten, agrarsektoralen Politikinformationssystems für den Agarsektor der EU: das CAPRI-Modell.</I>In: Agrarwirtschaft Jg. 46 (1997), Heft 8/9, S. 322 - 324.</span></P>
<H2><A name=“other”>Conference contributions, project reports and other publications</H2>
<H3><A name=“2015”>2015</H3>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Bubbico A., Martínez P., Blanco M., Breen J.</span> (2015). <span class=pubTitel>Impact of CAP green payment on different farming systems: the case of Ireland and Spain.</span><span class=pubPresWo> 148th EAAE Seminar “Does Europe need a Food Policy?”, Brussels, Belgium, 30 November – 1 December, 2015.</span></P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Martínez P., Blanco M., Van Doorslaer B., Ramos F., Stanca L.</span> (2015). <span class=pubTitel><a HREF=“http://purl.umn.edu/212230”>What role does climate change play in agricultural market uncertainty? An integrated assessment taking into account market-driven adjustments</a></span><span class=pubPresWo>. 29th International Conference of Agricultural Economists “Agriculture in an Interconnected World”, Milan, Italy, August 8-14, 2015.</span></P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Blanco M., Witzke H.P., Perez-Domínguez I., Salputra G., Martínez P.</span> (2015). <span class=pubTitel><a HREF=“http://dx.doi.org/10.2791/319578”>Extension of the CAPRI model with an irrigation sub-module.</a></span><span class=pubPresWo> Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, EUR 27737 EN. doi: 10.2791/319578.</span></P>
<H3><A name=“2014”>2014</H3>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Blanco M., Ramos F., Van Doorslaer B.</span> (2014). <span class=pubTitel><a HREF=“http://purl.umn.edu/182826”>Economic impacts of climate change on agrifood markets: A bio-economic approach with a focus on the EU.</a></span><span class=pubPresWo> EAAE 2014 Congress “Agri-Food and Rural Innovations for Healthier Societies”, Ljubljana, Eslovenia, August 26-29, 2014.</span></P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Listorti, G., Tonini, A. (2014)</span>:<BR><a HREF=“http://www.agrarforschungschweiz.ch/artikel/2014_05_f_1978.pdf”><I>Analyse de l’impact sur le marché laitier du supplément pour le lait transformé en fromage</I></A>. Recherche Agronomique Suisse 5 (5): 212–215.</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Ciscar JC (ed.)</span>:<BR><a HREF=“http://ipts.jrc.ec.europa.eu/publications/pub.cfm?id=7181”><I> Climate Impacts in Europe. The JRC PESETA II project. </I></A> JRC Scientific and Policy Reports</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Burrell A., Himics M., Van Doorslaer B., Ciaian P., Shrestha S.</span>:<BR><a HREF=“http://ipts.jrc.ec.europa.eu/publications/pub.cfm?id=6999”><I> EU sugar policy: A sweet transition after 2015?</I></A> JRC Scientific and Policy Reports</P>
<H3><A name=“2013”>2013</H3>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Listorti, G., Tonini, A., Kempen, M., Adenauer, M. (2013)</span>:<BR><a HREF=“http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/160388/2/15-Listorty%20-%20EAAE%20135.pdf”><I>How to Implement WTO Scenarios in Simulation Models: Linking the TRIMAG Tariff Aggregation Tool to Capri</I></A>. 135th EAAE Seminar, Belgrade (Serbia), August 28-30, 2013</P>
<H3><A name=“2012”>2012</H3>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Blanco M., Van Doorslaer B., Britz W.</span>:<BR><a HREF=“http://purl.umn.edu/126031”><I>Assessing agriculture-water relationships: a Pan-European multidimensional modelling approach</I></A>. 126th EAAE Seminar, “New challenges for EU agricultural sector and rural areas. Which role for public policy?”, Capri (Italy), June 27-29, 2012</P>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Renwick, A., Revoredo-Giha, C., McCracken, D., Jansson, T., Verburg, P. H., Britz, W. und Gocht, A.</span>:<BR> <span class=pubTitel><a href=http://www.ilr1.uni-bonn.de/agpo/publ/resrep/Land_Abandonment_Final.pdf>Assessment of the Impact of Agricultural and Trade Policy Reform on Land Use in the EU</A></span> <span class=pubPresWo>Research report for the United Kingdom Government Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, 138 pages</span>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Mittenzwei, K., Britz, W. und Wieck, C.</span> (2012): <span class=pubTitel>Studying the effects of domestic support provisions on global agricultural trade: WTO and OECD policy indicators in the CAPRI model</span> <span class=pubPresWo>, selected paper</span> <span class=pubPresWo> presented at the 15th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, "New Challenges for Global Trade and Sustainable Development", June 27-29,2012, Geneva (Switzerland)</span> <span class=pubPresWo>, <a href=http://https://www.gtap.agecon.purdue.edu/resources/download/5798.pdf>Link…</a></span>.</p>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Pèrez Dominguez, I., Britz, W. und Gopalakrishnan, B. N.</span> (2012): <span class=pubTitel>Post-model Analysis in large-scale models: the examples of Aglink-Cosimo, CAPRI und GTAP</span> <span class=pubPresWo>, selected paper</span> <span class=pubPresWo> presented at the 15th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, "New Challenges for Global Trade and Sustainable Development", June 27-29,2012, Geneva (Switzerland)</span> <span class=pubPresWo>, <a href=http://https://www.gtap.agecon.purdue.edu/resources/download/5864.pdf>Link…</a></span>.</p>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Adenäuer, M. Britz, W.</span> (2012): <a href=http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/137137/2/Adenaeuer_Britz_GEWISOLA_2012.pdf><span class=pubTitel>A land demand and supply system with endogenous land prices in the CAPRI agricultural sector model</A></span> <span class=pubPresWo>, Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V., Issue 48, p 507-510</span> </p> </p>
<H3><A name=“2011”>2011</H3>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>A. Burrell, E. Ferrari, A. González Mellado, M. Himics, J. Michalek, S. Shrestha and B. Van Doorslaer (authors), A. Burrell (editor):</span><BR> <a HREF=“http://ipts.jrc.ec.europa.eu/publications/pub.cfm?id=4819”><I>Potential EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement: Impact Assessment.</I></A> JRC Reference Reports, EUR 25011 EN, Luxembourg, 2011 </P>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Morredu, C.(main author and editor), with contributions by Martini, R., Kimura S., Britz, W., Gocht, A., Perez, I., Hart, K. and Baldock, D.:</span><BR> <A HREF=“http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264112124-en”>Evaluation of Agricultural Policy Reforms in the European Union.</A> OECD, Paris, 2011</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Bert Smit, Kees de Bon</span>:<BR><a HREF=“http://www.lei.wur.nl/UK/publications+en+products/LEI+publications/?id=1283”><I>Sugar quotas: yes or no? Economic consequences for sector, chain, international market situation and third world</I></A>. The Hague, LEI, 2011, Report 2011-065</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Smit, A.B., C.J.A.M. de Bont, J.F.M. Helming, M.G.A. van Leeuwen, R.W. van der Meer, P. Berkhout, M. van Dijk, S.R.M. Janssens en J.H. Jager</span><BR><I> Wel of geen suikerquotering? Economische gevolgen voor sector, keten, internationale marktverhoudingen en derde wereld</I>. Den Haag, LEI, 2011, Rapport 2011-056</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>DG-AGRI<span>:<BR> <I>Impact Assessment Common Agricultural Policy towards 2020, <A HREF=“http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/analysis/perspec/cap-2020/impact-assessment/annex2b_en.pdf”> Annex 2B: Assessment of selected measures under the CAP for their impact on greenhouse gas emissions and removals, on resilience and on environmental status of ecosystems</A><BR> <A HREF=“http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/analysis/perspec/cap-2020/impact-assessment/annex3a-d_en.pdf”> Annex 3, sub-annex 3A, sub-annex 3B, sub-annex 3C, sub-annex 3D: Direct payments</A><BR> <A HREF=“http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/analysis/perspec/cap-2020/impact-assessment/annex11_en.pdf”> Annex 11: Methodology; Overview of Evaluations; JRC Research; Studies and Research Projects Relating to the CAP</A><BR> European Commission, 2011</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Henk van Zeijts, Koen Overmars, Willem van der Bilt, Nynke Schulp, Jos Notenboom, Henk Westhoek (PBL), John Helming, Ida Terluin (LEI - Wageningen UR), Sander Janssen (Alterra - Wageningen UR)<span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://www.pbl.nl/sites/default/files/cms/publicaties/002799_CAP%20rapport+kaft(def)_0.pdf”>Greening the Common Agricultural Policy: impacts on farmland biodiversity on an EU scale.</A></I><BR> Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency. PBL publication number: 500136005. The Hague, 2011</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Gocht, A., Britz, W. and Adenäuer M. (authors), Ciaian P. and Gomez y Paloma S. (editors)<span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://ftp.jrc.es/EURdoc/JRC64334.pdf”>Farm level policy scenario analysis</A></I> <BR>JRC scientific and technical reports, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, EUR 24787 EN</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Alan Renwick, Torbjorn Jansson, Peter Verburg, Cesar Revoredo-Giha, Wolfgang Britz, Alexander Gocht, Davy McCracken</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://purl.umn.edu/114800”>Impact of Agricultural and Trade Policy Reform on Land-Use in the EU</A></I> <BR>Selected Paper for oral presentation at the <A HREF=“http://www.eaae2011.ch/”>EAAE 2011 Congress, August 30 to September 2, 2011 Zurich, Switzerland</A></P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Gocht, A., Britz, W., Ciaian, P. and Gomez y Paloma S.</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://purl.umn.edu/114624”>EU-wide Distributional Effects of EU Direct Payments Harmonization analyzed with CAPRI</A></I> <BR>Selected Paper for oral presentation at the <A HREF=“http://www.eaae2011.ch/”>EAAE 2011 Congress, August 30 to September 2, 2011 Zurich, Switzerland</A></P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz, W., Jansson, T., Törmä, H., Witzke, P., Zawaliñska, K. and Dwyer, J.</span>:<BR> <I>Modelling CAP Pillar I and II instruments - approaches in the CAPRI-RD project</I> <BR>Paper in organized session “Modelling CAP Pillar I and II in Large-Scale Economic Simulation Models: State of the Art and Visions”<BR>organized by W. Britz at the <A HREF=“http://www.eaae2011.ch/”>EAAE 2011 Congress, August 30 to September 2, 2011 Zurich, Switzerland</A></P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz, W.</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://www.purdue.edu/discoverypark/sustainability/geoshare/speakers.php”>The Role of Spatial Data in EU Agricultural Policy Analysis</A></I> <BR>A Workshop to kickoff the GEOSHARE Pilot Project, Purdue University, West Lafayette/In, 23 May 2011</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz, W.</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=”/agpo/staff/britz/purdue_2011_cap_reform.pdf“>Quantitative Assessment of the possible Next Reform Phase of the Common Agricultural Policy</A></I> <BR>Department of Agricultural Economics Seminar Series, Purdue University, West Lafayette/In, 25 May 2011</P>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Renwick A., Jansson T., Verburg P.H., Revoredo-Giha C., Britz W., Gocht A. and McCracken D.: </span><BR> <I><A HREF=“http://www.aes.ac.uk/_pdfs/_conferences/316_paper.pdf”>Policy Reform and Agricultural Land Abandonment</A></I><BR> Paper presented at 85th Annual Conference of the <A HREF=“http://www.aes.ac.uk/index.php?do=conference”>Agricultural Economics Society</A>, Warwick University, U.K., 18 - 20 April 2011</P>
<H3><A name=“2010”>2010</H3>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Leip A., Weiss F., Wassenaar T., Perez I., Fellmann T., Loudjani P., Tubiello F., Grandgirard D., Monni S. and Biala K. (2010)</span>:<BR><I><A HREF=“http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/analysis/external/livestock-gas/index_en.htm”>Evaluation of the livestock sector's contribution to the EU greenhouse gas emissions (GGELS)<A></I> -final report, European Commission, Joint Research Centre.</P>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Helming, J., Jansen, S., Meijl, H., van, Tabeau, A.</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://www.lei.dlo.nl/publicaties/PDF/2010/2010-085.pdf”>European farming and post-2013 CAP measures. A quantitative impact assessment study</A></I><BR> LEI Report 2010-085, Alterra Report 2103, December 2010, LEI, part of Wageningen UR, The Hague.</P>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Gocht A. and Britz W.: </span><BR> <I><A HREF=“http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/93960/2/C3_3.pdf”>EU-wide farm types supply in CAPRI - how to consistently disaggregate sector models into farm type model</A> </I><BR> Selected paper at 50. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V., 29.9.-1.10.2010, Braunschweig, Germany</P>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Paracchini M.L. and Britz W.: </span> <A HREF=“docs/HNV_CAPRI_JRC.pdf”>Modelling biodiversity friendly practices with CAPRI-Spat: possibilities and limitations</A>, presentation at the 2nd International workshop on pastoral landscapes and conservation, International Academy for Nature Conservation 20th-24th September 2010, Vilm, Germany</P>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Gocht A, Pérez Domínguez and Cristoiu A: </span><A HREF=“ftp://ftp.jrc.es/pub/EURdoc/JRC53518.pdf”>Update of a quantitative tool for farm systems level analysis of agricultural policies</A>,</span> <span class=pubPresWo> JRC Scientific and Technical Reports,</span> <span class=pubPresWo> Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Seville, EUR 24321 EN</span></p>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Torbjoern JanssonT, Ignacio Pèrez Dominguez and Franz Weiss: </span> Estimation of Greenhouse Gas coefficients per Commodity and World Region to Capture Emission Leakage in European Agriculture</A></span> <span class=pubPresWo>, selected paper</span> <span class=pubPresWo>Proceedings of the 119th EAAE Seminar Sustainability in the Food Sector: Rethinking the Relationship between the Agro-Food System and the Natural, Social, Economic and Institutional Environments, Capri, Italy, June, 30th - July 2nd </span> </p>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Arno Becker, Marcel Adenäuer and M. Blanco Fonseca: </span><span class=pubTitel><A HREF=“http://purl.umn.edu/91395”>Impacts of European biofuel policies on agricultural markets and environment under consideration of 2nd generation technologies and international trade</A></span> <span class=pubPresWo>, selected paper</span> <span class=pubPresWo> presented at the IATRC Public Trade Policy Research and Analysis Symposium “Climate Change in World Agriculture: Mitigation, Adaptation, Trade and Food Security,” June 27 - 29, 2010, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart (Germany)</span> </p>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Wolfgang Britz and Roman Keeney: </span><span class=pubTitel><A HREF=“https://www.gtap.agecon.purdue.edu/resources/download/4715.pdf”>The CAPRI model - an overview with a focus on comparison to GTAP</A></span> <span class=pubPresWo>, selected paper</span> <span class=pubPresWo> presented at the Thirteenths Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis “Trade for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth and Development”, 9-11 June, 2010, Pennang (Malaysia)</span> </p>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Torbjoern JanssonT, Ignacio Pèrez Dominguez and Franz Weiss: </span> Estimation of Greenhouse Gas coefficients per Commodity and World Region to Capture Emission Leakage in European Agriculture</A></span> <span class=pubPresWo>, selected paper</span> <span class=pubPresWo> presented at the IATRC Public Trade Policy Research and Analysis Symposium “Climate Change in World Agriculture: Mitigation, Adaptation, Trade and Food Security,” June 27 - 29, 2010, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart (Germany)</span> </p>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Ignacio Pérez Dominguez and Wolfgang Britz: </span><span class=pubTitel><A HREF=“http://purl.umn.edu/91396”>Greenhouse gas emission trading in European agriculture: a comparision of different policy implementation options in year 2010</A></span> <span class=pubPresWo>, selected paper</span> <span class=pubPresWo> presented at the IATRC Public Trade Policy Research and Analysis Symposium “Climate Change in World Agriculture: Mitigation, Adaptation, Trade and Food Security,” June 27 - 29, 2010, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart (Germany)</span> </p>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Wolfgang Britz, T. Hertel and Janine Pelikan: </span><span class=pubTitel><A HREF=“https://www.gtap.agecon.purdue.edu/resources/download/5071.pdf”>How Green are Agricultural Set Asides? An Analysis at the Global and Regional Levels</A></span> <span class=pubPresWo>, selected paper</span> <span class=pubPresWo> presented at the the Thirteenths Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis “Trade for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth and Development”, 9-11 June, 2010, Pennang (Malaysia)</span> </p>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Renwick A, Revoredo-Giha C., Barnes A., Thomson S., Jansson. T and Schwarz G.</span>:<BR> <A HREF=“http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/23/53/44721035.pdf”><I>Impact of partial decoupling on prices, production and farm revenues in the EU</I></A> <BR>Presentation to OECD workshop on CAP reform Paris, March 10th-11th 2010</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=pubAuthor>Jansson T., Britz W., Renwick A. and Verburg P.</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“docs/JanssonLandAbandEdinburgh2010AgriFood.pdf”>Modelling CAP reform and land abandonment in the European Union with a focus on Germany</A></I><BR> Presentation at the Agricultural Economics Society Conference 2010, 30th and 31st of March 2010, Edinburgh, UK</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=pubAuthor>Paracchini M.K. and Britz W.</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/51/58/44802327.pdf”>Quantifying effects of changed farm practise on Biodiversity in policy impact asessment - an application of CAPRI-Spat</A></I> <BR>Paper presented at the OECD Workshop: Agri-environmental Indicators: Lessons Learned and Future Directions, Tuesday 23 March - Friday 26 March, 2010, Leysin, Switzerland </P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=pubAuthor>Leip A., Britz W., de Vries W. and Weiss F.</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://nitrogen.ceh.ac.uk/solothurn/presentations/4_up-scaling/4_Leip.pdf”>Farm, Land, and Soil nitrogen budgets for Agriculture in Europe</A></I> <BR>Presentation at the Open Science Conference “Nitrogen and the European Greenhouse Gas Balance Integrating from Plot to European Scale”, Solothurn, Switzerland, February 3rd and 4th, 2010 </P>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Becker, A., Adenäuer, M., Blanco Fonseca, M.</span> (2010): <a href=http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/91395/2/Becker_et_al._IATRC_Summer_2010.pdf><span class=pubTitel>Impacts of European biofuel policies on agricultural markets and environment under consideration of 2nd generation technologies and international trade</A></span> <span class=pubPresWo>, Paper presented at the IATRC Symposium 2010 “Climate Change in World Agriculture: Mitigation, Adaptation, trade and Food Security” Stuttgart-Hohenheim, 27 - 29.06.2010</span> </p>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>JRC-IPTS</span> <P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Nowicki P., et al.</span> <BR><I><A HREF=“http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/analysis/external/modulation/fullreport_en.pdf”>Study on the economic, social and environmental impact of the modulation provided for in Article 10 of Council Regulation (EC) No 1782/2003</A></I><BR> Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development, Contract Nr 30-CE-0162480/00-47, LEI, The Hague - IEEP, London</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>JRC-IPTS and EuroCARE Bonn</span> <BR><I><A HREF=“http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/analysis/external/milkquota/full_report_en.pdf”>Economic Impact of the Abolition of the Milk Quota Regime - Regional Analysis of the Milk Production in the EU </A></I> <BR>JRC-IPTS, Agriculture and Life Science in the Economy, February 2009, 127 pages</P>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Tukker A., Bausch-Goldbohm S., Verheijden M., de Koning A., Kleijn R., Wolf O. and Pérez Domínguez I:</span><BR> <A HREF=http://ipts.jrc.ec.europa.eu/publications/pub.cfm?id=2359><I>Environmental Impacts of Diet Changes in the EU</I></A><BR> JRC Sicentific and technical report, EUR Number: 23783 EN, 6/2009</p>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Adrian Leip, F. Weiss and Wolfgang Britz: </span><BR><span class=pubTitel><I>Agri-environmental nitrogen indicators for EU27</I></span> <BR><span class=pubPresWo>in: Integrated Assessment of Agriculture and Sustainable Development (AgSAP), 10-12 March, 2009, Egmont an Zee (The Netherlands)</span> <span class=pubPresWo>, S. 184-185</span> </p>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Wolfgang Britz and Marcel Adenäuer: </span><BR> <span class=pubTitel><I>Calibration of regional programming models to exogenous supply elasticities by a variable cost function: The CAPRI-EXPAMOD example</I></span> <BR><span class=pubPresWo>in: Integrated Assessment of Agriculture and Sustainable Development (AgSAP), 10-12 March, 2009, Egmont an Zee (The Netherlands)</span> <span class=pubPresWo>, S. 52-53</span> </p>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Wolfgang Britz: </span><BR> <span class=pubTitel><I>EU-wide spatial down-scaling of results of a regionalized agricultural economic model to analyse environmental impacts</I></span> <BR><span class=pubPresWo>in: Integrated Assessment of Agriculture and Sustainable Development (AgSAP), 10-12 March, 2009, Egmont an Zee (The Netherlands)</span> <span class=pubPresWo>, S. 50-51</span> </p>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Wolfgang Britz and T. Hertel: </span><BR> <span class=pubTitel><I>Impacts of EU biofuels directives on global markets and EU environmental quality: An integrated PE, global CGE analysis</I></span> <BR><span class=pubPresWo>in: Integrated Assessment of Agriculture and Sustainable Development (AgSAP), 10-12 March, 2009, Egmont an Zee (The Netherlands)</span> <span class=pubPresWo>, S. 144-145</span> </p>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>Torbjoern Jansson, Marcel Adenäuer and Marijke Kuiper: </span><span class=pubTitel><I>The CAPRI and GTAP link: Linking a partial and a global equilibrium model</I></span> <BR><span class=pubPresWo>in: Integrated Assessment of Agriculture and Sustainable Development (AgSAP), 10-12 March, 2009, Egmont an Zee (The Netherlands), S. 24-25</span> </p>
<p class=pubParagraph><span class=pubAuthor>van Meijl, H., Jansson, T., Banse, M. and Woltjer, G.</span><BR> <A HREF=“https://www.gtap.agecon.purdue.edu/resources/res_display.asp?RecordID=3140”><I>The impact of modulation; modeling first and second pillar CAP policies</I></A> <BR>Paper presented at the 12th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Santiago, Chile.</P>
<p class=“pubParagraph”> <span class=“pubAuthor”>Adenäuer, M. </span>:<BR> <I><A Href=“http://www.purl.umn.edu/44120 ”>CAPRI versus AGLINK-COSIMO: Two partial equilibrium models - Two baseline approaches</A></I>, <BR>Poster presented on the International EAAE Congress, August 26-29, 2008, Ghent, Belgium.</p>
<p class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Adenäuer, M., Witzke H.P.</span>:<BR> <I><A Href=“http://www.ecpa.eu/files/ecpa/documentslive/18/17993_Eurocare%20Bonn%20report.pdf”> Additional constraints for plant protection - Price impacts on European agricultural markets-</A></I><BR> Study for the The European Crop Protection Association, October 2008, EuroCARE Bonn.</P>
<p class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Becker A.</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=http://purl.umn.edu/43974>Biomass for energy production in the context of selected European and international policy objectives</A></I>, <BR><A HREF=“docs/poster_becker_final2.pps”>Poster</A> presented on the International EAAE Congress, August 26-29, 2008, Ghent, Belgium.</p>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W.</span>:<BR><I><A HREF=“http://www.ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/6677/2/cp08br01.pdf”>EU-wide spatial down-scaling of results of regional economic models to analyze environmental impacts</A></I> <BR>Paper prepared for presentation at the 107th EAAE Seminar “Modeling of Agricultural and Rural Development Policies”. Sevilla, Spain, January 29th -February 1st, 2008</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W. and Mittenzwei K.</span>:<BR> <I>Spatial down-scaling as a tool to improve multifunctionality indicators in economic models</I> <BR>in: Paul N. Findley (ed.). Environmental Modelling: New Research, Nova Publishers 2008, ISBN: 978-1-60692-034-3</P>
<p class=“pubParagraph”> <span class=“pubAuthor”>DEFRA</span>:<BR> <I><A Href=“https://statistics.defra.gov.uk/esg/reports/decoupling/Partial%20Decoupling%20Final%20v2.pdf”>DEFRA (2008). Assessment of the Impact of Partial Decoupling on Prices, Production and Farm Revenues within the EU</I></A>. December 2008</p>
<p class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Helming, J.F.M. & Verhoog, D. & Meijl Van, H. & Nowicki, P.</span></BR> <I><A HREF=“http://purl.umn.edu/44373”>Effects of CAP reform on regional employment in the EU</A></I> <BR>Paper presented at: International Congress, August 26-29, 2008, Ghent, Belgium 44373, European Association of Agricultural Economists.</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Jansson, T., Bakker, M., Boitier, B., Fougeyrollas, A., Helming, J., Meijl, H.v., and Verkerk, H.</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=http://purl.umn.edu/44169>Linking models for land use analysis: experiences from the SENSOR project</A></I> <BR>Paper presented on the International EAAE Congress, August 26-29, 2008, Ghent, Belgium.</p>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Jansson, T., Kuiper M., Banse M., Heckelei T. and Adenäuer, M.</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“https://www.gtap.agecon.purdue.edu/resources/download/3756.pdf”>Getting the best of both worlds? Linking CAPRI and GTAP for an economywide assessment of agriculture</A></I> <BR>Paper resented at the 11th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis, Helsinki, Finland</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Kempen M. and Kränzlein T.</span>:<BR><I><A HREF=“http://purl.umn.edu/6652”>Energy Use in Agriculture: A Modeling Approach to Evaluate Energy Reduction Policies</A></I> <BR>Paper prepared for presentation at the 107th EAAE Seminar “Modeling of Agricultural and Rural Development Policies”. Sevilla, Spain, January 29th -February 1st, 2008</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Kränzlein T.</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://e-collection.ethbib.ethz.ch/eserv/eth:41353/eth-41353-01.pdf”>Economic monitoring of fossil energy use in EU agriculture. regional analysis of policy instruments in the light of climate-related negative external effects</A></I>, doctoral thesis, ETH Zurich (2008). doi:10.3929/ethz-a-005750056.</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Leip A. and Britz W.</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://www.nitrogen.ceh.ac.uk/conference2008/presentations/5_Britz_Leip.pdf”>A Statistical Meta Model of DNDC to Estimate Nitrogen Fate and Irrigation Water Needs at 1×1 km grid at Pan-European scale</A></I> <BR>Paper prepared for presentation at NEU-annual meeting. Gent, Belgium, February 18th, 2008</P>
<p class=“pubParagraph”> <span class=“pubAuthor”>Weissleder, L., Adenäuer, M., Heckelei, T.</span>:<BR> <I><A Href=“http://purl.umn.edu/6667”>Impact assessment of trade liberalisation between EU and Mercosur countries</A></I><BR> Proceedings of the 107th European Seminar of the EAAE, January 29th - February 1st, Sevilla.</P>
<p class=“pubParagraph”> <span class=“pubAuthor”>Weissleder, L., Becker, A., Adenäuer, M., Britz, W., Junker, F., Heckelei, T. </span>:<BR><I> EU-Mercosur impact assessment of trade liberalisation scenarios using the CAPRI modelling system.</I><BR> EUMercoPol Report No. 21, EU 6th Framework Programme, Contract No. 6516.</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz, W., Heckelei, T., Junker, F. and Perez, I.</span>:<BR> <I>Analyse der Auswirkungen von Handelpolitikszenarien auf die landwirtschaftlichen Märkte,</I><BR> in: Tagungsband der 19. und 20. Wissenschaftlichen Fachtagung: Landwirtschaft 2015, pp. 10-22</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz, W., Pérez, I., Zimmermann, A. and Heckelei, T.</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://www.seamless-ip.org/Reports/Report_26_PD3.5.1.1.pdf”>Definition of the CAPRI Core Modelling System and Interfaces with other Components of SEAMLESS-IF</A></I> <BR>SEAMLESS report no. 26, January 2007</P>
<p class=“pubParagraph”> <span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz, W., Junker, F., Weissleder, L., Adenäuer, M. </span>:<BR> <I>Quantitative assessment of EU-Mediterranean trade liberalization using the CAPRI modelling system.</I><BR> EU-Med Agpol Report No. 24, EU 6th Framework Programme, Contract No. 502457.</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Jansson T.</span>:<BR> <A HREF=http://www.hss.ulb.uni-bonn.de/diss_online/landw_fak/2007/jansson_torbjoern/1157.pdf>Econometric specification of constrained optimization models</A>, Dissertation (doctoral thesis), Bonn, 2007</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”> Leip, A., Koebl, R., Macchi, G., Kempen M. and Britz W.</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://www.abdn.ac.uk/modelling/across_scales/arcoss_scales_pdfs/Leip_%20DNDC-EUROPE.pdf”>CAPRI-DNDC-EUROPE</A></I> <BR>Presented at workshop: Modelling the Management and Dynamics of Grass- and Croplands Across Scales, Aberdeen, 14th-16th June 2007</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Nowicki, P., H. van Meijl, A. Knierim, M. Banse, J. Helming, O. Margraf, B. Matzdorf. R. Mnatsakanian, M. Reutter, I. Terluin, K. Overmars, D. Verhoog, C. Weeger, H. Westhoek</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=http://www.ec.europa.eu/agriculture/publi/reports/scenar2020/index_en.htm>Scenar 2020 - Scenario study on agriculture and the rural world</A></I><BR> Contract No. 30 - CE - 0040087/00-08. European Commission, Directorate-General Agriculture and Rural Development, Brussels.</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Oenema, O., Oudendag, D., Witzke, P., Monteny, G.J., Velthof, G.L., Pietrzak, S., Pinto, M., Britz W., Schwaiger, E., Erisman, J.W., de Vries, W., van Grinsven, J.J.M. and Sutton, M.:</span><BR> <I><A HREF=“http://www.scammonia.wur.nl/NR/rdonlyres/E46888D3-6C8E-4BCC-90F1-154D2B270654/44493/finalreportASC25062007.pdf”>Service Contract: Integrated Measures in Agriculture to Reduce Ammonia Emissions</A></I> <BR>Final report. (070501/2005/422822/MAR/C1). Alterra, Wageningen,The Netherlands.</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Perez, I.Holm-Mueller, K. and Britz W.</span>:<BR><I> <A HREF=http://www.ecomod.org/files/papers/361.doc>Modelling a Trading Scheme for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from European Agriculture. A Comparative Analysis Based on Different Policy Options</A></I> <BR>Paper presented at the ECOMOD conference on Economic and Environmental Modelling, Moscow, September 13-14, 2007</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Adenäuer, M., Britz W., Gocht, A., Gömann, H., Cristoiu, A. and Ratinger, T.</span> <I><BR>Modelling impacts of decoupled premiums : building-up a farm type layer within the EU-wide regionalised CAPRI model.</I> <BR>In: 93rd seminar of the EAAE “Impacts of Decoupling and Cross Compliance on Agriculture in the Enlarged EU” <BR>September 22nd-23rd 2006, Prague, Czech Republic. Prague : 24 pages, english</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W., Heckelei T., Perez I., Junker F. und C. Wieck</span>:<BR><I>How sustainable is the latest CAP Reform under the possible Trade Liberalisation Outcomes of the Doha Round?</I>, <BR>paper resented at the IATRC summer meeting 2005, Sevilla, June 16/17 2005: “Pressures for Agricultural Reform: WTO Panels and the Doha Round Negotiations”</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Kempen M., Heckelei, T. and Britz W.</span>:<BR><I>An Econometric Approach for Spatial Disaggregation of Crop Production in the EU </I>,<BR>in: Arfini (edt.): Modelling Agricultural Policies: State of the Art and New Challenges, proceeding of the 89 th Seminar of the EAAE, 810-830</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W. and Jacquet, F.</span>:<BR> <I>EU-MED Agpol: Impacts of Agricultural Trade Liberalisation between the EU and Mediterranean countries</I> <BR><A HREF=http://www.eumed-agpol.iamm.fr/html/publications/on_subject/WP6-proceedings.pdf>Proceedings of the Workshop on Euro-Med Association Agreements Agricultural Trade - Regional Impacts in the EU</A>, Jointly organised by DG RTD and DG JRC With the collaboration of DG AGRI, Held in Brussels on 14 February 2006</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Kempen, M., Heckelei, T. and Britz W.</span>:<BR> <I>Validation of Spatially Explicit Land Use Choices Based On Probabilistic Theory.</I><BR> Paper presented at the International Conference on Regional and Urban Modeling Brussels, June 1-2, 2006</P>
<p class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Mittenzwei K. and Fjellstad W.</span>:<BR> <I>Operasjonalisering av multifunksjonalitet i modellsystemet CAPRI></I><BR> <A HREF=“http://www.nilf.no/Publikasjoner/Rapporter/Bm/2006/R200606Innhold.shtml”>NILF-notat 2006-06</A></P>
<P class=“pubParagraph” <span class=“pubAuthor”>Wieck, C., Junker, F., Pérez, I., Heckelei, T. and Britz W.</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://www.impact.wsu.edu/publications/tech_papers/pdf/TWP-06-116.pdf”>Combining Global Trade Analysis with Regional Impact Assessment: Effects of Trade Liberalisation under the recent CAP Reform</A></I>, <BR>IMPACT TWP 06-116, Pullman, WA.</P>
<p class=“pubParagraph”> <span class=“pubAuthor”>Adenaeuer, M.</span> (2005): Modelling the European Sugar Sector - Incentives to Supply Sugar Beets and Analysis of Reform Options - PHD Thesis, Bonn University, 2005, URN: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:5N-07592 <BR>URL: <a href=“http://hss.ulb.uni-bonn.de/2006/0759/0759.htm”>http://hss.ulb.uni-bonn.de/2006/0759/0759.htm</a>
<p class=“pubParagraph”> <span class=“pubAuthor”>Adenaeuer, M.</span> and <span class=“pubAuthor”>Heckelei T. </span>:<BR> <I>Reform of the CMO Sugar - Impacts on European Agriculture</I><BR> Paper presented on the 8th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis of the GTAP consortium, Lübeck, 9 - 11. June. <BR><a href=“https://www.gtap.agecon.purdue.edu/resources/download/2296.pdf”>download pdf-version</a>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Adenaeuer M., Britz W. and Witzke H.P.</span>:<BR><I>Modelling EU sugar market scenarios with a modified Armington appoach</I>, <BR>paper resented at the IATRC summer meeting 2005, Sevilla, June 16/17 2005: “Pressures for Agricultural Reform: WTO Panels and the Doha Round Negotiations”</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Bäckstrand A.</span>:<BR><I>Insurance as Agricultural Policy - the Case of the European Union</I>, <BR>in: Eassys on the Economics of Agricultural Income Risk, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Thesis No. Fif-a 80, Linköping University 2005</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Bäckstrand A. and Britz W.</span>:<BR><I>Stochastic Crop Yields in an Agricultural Sector Model</I>, <BR>in: Eassys on the Economics of Agricultural Income Risk, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Thesis No. Fif-a 80, Linköping University 2005</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W. and Witzke H.P.</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/24666/1/cp05wi02.pdf”>Plagiarism without apology - systematic integration of available information in a long run agricultural outlook</A></I>, <BR>paper to be presented at the EAAE congress in Copenhagen, 23-27 August 2005</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W., Witzke H.P. and M. Kempen</span>:<BR><I>Driving forces for fertilizer use in Europe: An outlook on yields, herd sizes and cropping areas</I>, <BR>paper resented at International Workshop on “Where Do Fertilisers Go?” ISPRA, Italy, 28-29 June 2005</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Ekman, S.</span>:<BR> <I>Frikopplade stöd- konsekvenser för svenskt jordbruk.</I> SLI-Skrift 2, 2005, Swedish Institute for Food and Agricultural Economics. Lund (Sweden): SLI. ISSN 1651-4742<br> Download or order from <a href=“http://www.sli.lu.se/publ.asp”>www.sli.lu.se/publ.asp</a></p>
<p class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Jansson, T.; Norell, Bo; Rabinowicz, E.</span>:<BR> <I>Modelling the impact of compulsory Foot and Mouth Disease insurance.</I> Poster Paper presented at the 2005 EAAE Congress, August 24-27, 2005 in Copenhagen, Denmark.<br> <a href=“http://www.ilr1.uni-bonn.de/agpo/staff/jansson/fmdkbh.pdf”>Download paper (PDF)</a> | <a href=“http://www.ilr1.uni-bonn.de/agpo/staff/jansson/fmdkbhposter.pdf”>Download poster (PDF)</a>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Perez I.</span><BR><I> Greenhouse Gases: Inventories, Abatement Costs and Markets for Emission Permits in European Agriculture - A Modelling Approach, </I>Doctoral Thesis, 165 pp.</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Perez I. and Holm-Müller</span>:<BR><I>Economic Incentives and Technological Options to Global Warming Emission Abatement in European Agriculture, </I>Paper presented at the <A href=“http://www.unipr.it/arpa/dipseq/EAAE/”>89th EAAE Seminar</A>, Parma (Italy), February 3-5, 2005</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Perez I. and Wieck C.</span>:<BR><I> Welfare distribution between EU Member States through different national decoupling options - Implications for Spain,</I> Paper submitted to the 'Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales', Asociación Española de Economía Agraria</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Wieck, C. and Wahl T.</span>:<BR> <I>Comparing Market Access Formulas for the US and EU: What Hurts and Who Benefits?</I> <A HREF=“http://www.intlagmktg.tamu.edu/NOP16Wieck.pdf”>Paper</A> <A HREF=“http://intlagmktg.tamu.edu/NO16Wieck%20Wahl.ppt#1”>presented</A> at the conference on “World Trade Organization Impacts on U.S. Farm Policy”, World Trade Center, Two Canal Street, New Orleans, Louisiana June 1-3, 2005</P>
<p class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Adenäuer, M., Louhichi, K., de Frahan, B.H. and Witzke H.P.</a> </span> (2004): <BR>Impacts of the “Everything But Arms” Initiative on the EU Sugar Sub-Sector. Selected paper prepared for presentation at the International Conference on Policy Modelling (EcoMod 2004), June 30 - July 2, Paris.<BR><a href=“http://ecomod.net/sites/default/files/document-conference/ecomod2004/801.pdf”>download pdf-version</a>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W. (edt)</span>:<BR> <I>CAPRI Modelling System Documentation</I>, Final report of the FP5 shared cost project CAP-STRAT “Common Agricultural Policy Strategy for Regions, Agriculture and Trade”, QLTR-2000-00394; Universität Bonn: 2004</P>
<p class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Henning C., Henningsen A., Struve C., Müller-Scheeßel J.</span>:<BR> <I>Auswirkungen der Mid-Term-Review-Beschlüsse
auf den Agrarsektor und das Agribusiness in Schleswig-Holstein und Mecklenburg-Vorpommern</I><BR>
Studie aus dem Institut für Agrarökonomie Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel im Auftrag der Raiffeisen Hauptgenossenschaft Nord AG, 20003</P>
<p class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Mittenzwei, K. & S.S. Prestegard</span>:<BR> <I>Dokumentasjon av modellsystemet CAPRI - Modellbeskrivelse og analyser (with english summary).</I> <BR><A HREF=“http://www.nilf.no/Publikasjoner/Rapporter/Bm/2004/R200406Hele.pdf”>NILF-rapport 2004-6, NILF, Oslo.</A></P>
<p class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Mittenzwei, K.</span><BR> <I>Dokumentasjon av modellsystemet CAPRI - Teknisk dokumentasjon og brukerveiledning.</I> <A HREF=“http://www.nilf.no/Publikasjoner/Notater/Bm/2004/N200419Innhold.shtml”> NILF-notat 2004-19. NILF. Oslo</A></P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Perez I. and Wieck C.</span>:<BR><I>Welfare distribution between EU member states through different national decoupling options - Implications for Spain, </I>Paper presented at the <A href=“http://www.vcongresoaeea.org”>V Congreso Nacional de Economía Agraria</A>, Santiago de Compostela (Spain), September 15-17, 2004</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Perez. I., Britz W. and Holm-Mueller K.</span>:<BR><I> The Use of Tradable Permits in the European Agriculture as a feasible and cost-effective Mitigation Strategy</I>, <BR> Poster presented at the International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture - Mitigation Options and Strategies, Leipzig (Germany), February 10-12 2004, Conference Proceedings pp. 335-336<P>
<p class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Bäckstrand, A.</span>:<BR> <I>Halvtidsöversynen av den gemensamma jordbrukspolitiken - en konsekvensanalys.</I> SLI-Skrift 1, 2003,Swedish Institute for Food and Agricultural Economics. Lund (Sweden): SLI. ISSN 1651-4742<br> Download or order from <a href=“http://www.sli.lu.se/publ.asp”>www.sli.lu.se/publ.asp</a></p>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W., Helming, J. and Perez, I.</span>:<BR><I>Development of models and tools for assessing the environmental impact of agricultural policies,</I> Final report for DG-ENV, 2003</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W. and Perez, I.</span>:<BR> <I>Regional Nitrate Balances for Europe at a Medium Term Perspective under different CAP policy options</I>, <BR>Final project report for the “Bundesumweltamt” (Geman Federal Environmenal Agency), 2003</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W., Wieck, C. and Perez, I.</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=http://www.ecostat.unical.it/2003agtradeconf/Contributed%20papers/Wieck,%20Perez%20Dominguez%20and%20Britz.pdf>New challenges for the European Agriculture: Modelling agricultural reform under the new WTO proposals</A>,</I> Conference: “Agricultural policy reform and the WTO: where are we heading?”, CAPRI, Italy, June 2003</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Perez, I., Britz W. and Wieck, C.</span>:<BR> <I>Modelling of passive environmental indicators for the European Agriculture: the role of marginal abatement costs,</I> 12th Annual Conference of the EAERE, Bilbao (Spain), June 28-30, 2003</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W., Wieck, C. and Perez, I.</span>:<BR><I>New challenges for the European Agriculture: Modelling agricultural reform under the new WTO proposals,</I> Conference “Policy Modelling” EcoMod 2003, Istanbul, July 3-5, 2003</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W., Wieck, C. and Perez, I.</span>:<BR> <I>Expectativas a Medio Plazo del Mercado Lácteo Europeo tras las Propuestas de Agenda 2000 y Revisión Intermedia - Un Análisis cuantitativo y regional del Sector Lácteo Español con el Modelo CAPRI, </I>AEEA Seminar (3/13/2003)</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W., Wieck, C., Perez, I. and Jansson, T.</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=https://www.uni-hohenheim.de/i410b/download/gewisola/papers/wieck.pdf>Auswirkungen der MTR-Beschlüsse auf die Landnutzung in den europäischen Regionen und Betrieben - Eine quantitative Analyse mit CAPRI Modellsystem</A>,</I> Gewisola Tagung Hohenheim 2003 , Hohenheim, September 2003</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W., Wieck C. and Perez I.</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=http://www.ec.europa.eu/agriculture/publi/reports/mtrimpact/rep_en.pdf>Impact Analysis of the Medium Term Review Proposals with the CAPRI Modelling System</A></I><BR> Published by the European Commission, February 2003</P>
<p class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Henrichsmeyer, W., Adenaeuer M., Kuhn, A.,Witzke, H.P., Zeddies, J., Zimmermann, B.</span>:<BR> <I>Study to Assess the Impact of Options for the Future Reform of the Sugar Common Market Organisation</I>, Main report, EuroCARE, 2003, Bonn.</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Offermann F.</span>:<BR> <I>Quantitative Analyse der sektoralen Auswirkungen einer Ausdehnung des ökologischen Landbaus in der EU</I> <BR><A HREF=“http://www.orgprints.org/810/03/820-offermann-f-2003-quantitative-analyse-EU-summary.pdf”>Berliner Schriften zur Agrar- und Umweltökonomik 5. Shaker Verlag, Aachen., 2003, (link only shows summary of document></A></P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Perez, I. and Britz W.</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=https://www.uni-hohenheim.de/i410b/download/gewisola/papers/perez.pdf>Europaweite Reduktion des Ausstoßes klimarelevanter Emissionen durch handelbare Emissionsrechte - eine Analyse mit dem regionalisierten Agrarsektormodell CAPRI</A></I> Gewisola Tagung Hohenheim 2003, September 2003</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W. and Wieck C.</span>:<BR> <I>Completeness and Consistency in a Multidimensional Data Base using Constrained Simultaneous Estimation Techniques</I> Poster presented at the “42. Jahrestagung der GEWISOLA” (German Ag.Econ Society), received the “Best Poster Award”</P>
<p class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Jansson, T.</span> (2002). Analys av enhetliga arealstöd i EU. SLI Skrift 1, Swedish Institute for Food and Agricultural Economics. Lund (Sweden): SLI. ISSN 1651-4742<br>
Download or order from <a href="http://www.sli.lu.se/publ.asp">www.sli.lu.se/publ.asp</a></p>
<p class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Jansson, T.</span> (2002).
Mjölkproduktion utan gränser - Europas bönder på en avreglerad mjölkmarknad. SLI Rapport 5, Swedish Institute for Food and Agricultural Economics. Lund (Sweden): SLI. ISSN 1650-0105<br> Download or order from <a href="http://www.sli.lu.se/publ.asp">www.sli.lu.se/publ.asp</a></p>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Jansson, T.L and Britz W.</span>:<BR> <i>Experiences of using a quadratic programming model to simulate removal of milk quotas.</i><BR> 10th EAAE congress, organised session on milk quotas, August 28 - 31, 2002, Zaragoza (Spain).<br> <a href=“http://www.ilr1.uni-bonn.de/agpo/staff/jansson/MQ_EAAE_2002.pdf”>Download PDF</a></P>
<p class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Sander, R.</span>:<BR> <I>Einfluss der Agrarpolitik auf die regionalen landwirtschaftlichen Produktionsentwicklungen in der EU</I> <BR>Phd-Thessis, University Bonn, 2002</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Wieck C., García Alvarez-Coque J.M.</span>:<BR> <I>Es la Reducción de las Desigualdades Interregionales una Cualidad de la PAC?</I> <BR>Selected Paper, IV Congreso Nacional de Economía Agraria, Pamplona (Spain), 2001</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W.</span>:<BR> <I>CAPRI - ein regionalisiertes Agrarsektormodell für die EU</I><BR> Paper presented at “Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarsoziologie (SGA), 22.03.2000”</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W. (edt)</span>:<BR> <I><a href=”/docs/finrep.pdf“>Common Agricultural Policy Regional Impact Analysis, Final Report, FAIR3 - CT96 - 1849</A></I> Forschungsbericht, Bonn: Institut für Agrarpolitik, 2000</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”<span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W. and Heckelei T.</span>:<BR> <I>Effekte von Agenda 2000 auf den deutschen und französischen Agrarsektor - Anwendung des regionalisierten Modellsystems CAPRI</I><BR> Paper presented at “Gemeinsame Tagung von SFER und Gewisola, Strasbourg, 11-12.10.2000”</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W. and Heckelei T.</span>:<BR> <I>A Cross Sectional Maximum Entropy Estimation of Cost Functions for Regional Programming</I><BR> Paper presented at “XXIV. IAAE Conference, August 13-18, 2000, Berlin”</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W. and Heckelei T.</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=“http://www.ilr1.uni-bonn.de/agpo/rsrch/capri/eaaecapri.pdf”>Concept and Explorative Application of an EU-wide, Regional Agricultural Sector Model (CAPRI-Project)</A></I><BR> Paper presented at “65th EAAE seminar, Agricultural Sector Modelling and Policy Information Systems, Bonn (Germany), March, 29-31, 2000”</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Sander, R., H. Wolff, W. Britz and Th. Heckelei</span>:<BR> <I><A HREF=http://www.uni-kiel.de/agrarmarketing/Gewisola99/A2heckelei.pdf>Die Veränderung
der regionalen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Ölsaaten- und Getreideproduktion unter dem Einfluß der GAP 1992 - Analyse auf Grundlage einer EU-weiten, regionalisierten Datenbasis.</A></I><BR>In: V. Alvensleben, R., Koester, U. and C. Langbehn: Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und Unternehmertum in der Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft, Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V., Band 36, pp. 21-28, Münster-Hiltrup. [A draft - presented at the 40th conference of <A href="http://www.uni-kiel.de/agrarmarketing/Gewisola99/gewisolahome.html">GeWiSoLa 1999 in Kiel</A>, October 1999</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Wieck C., García Alvarez-Coque J.M.</span>:<BR> <I>Análisis de la Convergencia de las Rentas Agrarias Regionales mediante los Sistemas SPEL y CAPRI.</I> <BR>Convenio de Colaboracíon entre el Ministerio de Agricultura Espanola y la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Valencia (Spain), 2000</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W., Heckelei T. and Sander. R.</span>:<BR> <I>Konzept eines regionalisierten, agrarsektoralen Politikinformationssystems für den Agrarsektor der EU: das CAPRI-Model</I><BR> in: Berg E., Henrichsmeyer W. & Schiefer G. (eds): Agrarwirtschaft in der Informationsgesellschaft, Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus e.V., Band 35 1999</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Britz W., Sander R., Wolff H. and Heckelei T.</span>:<BR> <I>Die regionale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Agrarproduktion under dem Einfluss verschiedener politischer Rahmenbedingungen - Analyse auf Basis eines EU-weiten, regionalisierten Sektormodells</I><BR> Paper presented at “40. GeWiSoLa-Tagung, 4-6.10.1999, Kiel”</P>
<P class=“pubParagraph”><span class=“pubAuthor”>Sieber, S.</span><BR> <I>Eine Analyse der Auswirkungen eines potentiellen EU-Beitritts der Schweiz auf den schweizerischen Agrarsektor mittels des Agrarsektormodells CAPRI</I> Forschungsbericht im Rahmen des Projektes CAPRI i.A. der Europäischen Kommission, Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Agrarwirtschaft und Landtechnik - Sektion Agrarwirtschaft, Tänikon / Schweiz</P>
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