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<H2><a class=“intext” HREF=“/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=capri:concept:spatialdownscaling”>Agricultural land use and environmental indicators at 1×1 km grid resolution</A><BR> - Ammonia and Further Gaseous Nitrogen Emissions</H2>

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Main contributors for emission factor approach: Didi Oedendag, Hans-Peter Witzke, Wolfgang Britz

Main contributors for DNDC-Link: Declan Mulligan, Adrian Leip, Wolfgang Britz

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<a href=“images\N20.jpg”><img style=“text-decoration: none;border: none;color:white;” src=“images\N20.jpg” width=“300”/></a>


<P>For <B>gaseous emissions of nitrogen</B> there are results for two different approaches combined:</P>

  <H3>Emission factor approach</H3>
  <P>The emission factor approach used during spatial downscaling to estimate gaseous emissions per grid cell
  is taken over from CAPRI where it is to a large extent harmonized with the MITERRA model, thanks to a
  <a class="intext" HREF=""> recent project</a>
  for DG-ENV. Emsisions factors for specific sources (manure storage, manure application, animals in stables..)
   are linked to animal activities or spreading of fertilizers, and depend on factors as the share of specific animal housing systems where data are typically
   based on expert knowledge and inputted at the national level. The emission factor approach is closely linked to the
   <a class="intext" HREF="/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=capri:concept:nbal">nitrogen balance</a> calculation.</P>
   <P>The application of emissions factors provides a rather robust and simple way of estimating gas losses from agriculture. The data at grid level
   are linearly depending on animal stocking densities, crop shares and fertilizer applications.<P>
  <H3>Use of the bio-physical model DNDC</H3>
      <P>For emissions occuring outside stables and storage, DNDC provides a far more complex way based on deterministic bio-physical simulation model
      where soil and weather in combination farm management determine gaseous emissions.</P>
      <P>The calculation per grid cell is based on the application of <a class="intext" HREF="/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=capri:concept:DNDCMeta">statistical meta-model derived from DNDC.</a></P>
      <P>The emissions simulated by DNDC cannot directly be compared with those reported from the emission factor approach as DNDC as mineralization from
       soils into account and thus provides an additional source of nitrogen which is not included in the
       nitrogen balance approach to which the emission factor approach is linked.</P>

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<H3>More information</H3>

<P><a class=“intext” HREF=“”>The European Clean Air for Europe Program</a>

- where the CAPRI network contributes to “Baseline Scenario and Integrated Assessment Modelling”.</p>


<font size=1>Last Updated:Tuesday, October 28, 2008


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capri/concept/ammo.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/07 10:23 by