STAR - Stable Releases of CAPRI
Starting 2016, the CAPRI model shall be made more accessible to the scientific community by the provision of supported stable releases, a.k.a. Stars. The first Star was published at the end of November 2016. The idea behind the Star is to provide a well tested version of the model, that does not change over time save, and where maintenance releases address critical issues. The release notes are updated in a cumulative fashion.
How to obtain CAPRI
The model consists of (a) the model code including raw data and (b) the compiled data base including calibrated baselines. The model is really self contained in (a), since all software and raw data needed to compile the data bases and construct the baselines is found there. Albeit (b), the databases, can be derived from (a), doing so is a somewhat complicated process. Therefore, we provide (b) as a shortcut. Furthermore, it turns out that generating (b) may generate slightly different results on different hardware/software combinations, and therefore it is convenient to use a common versioned database release.
Public releases of code and input data
Using the links below here, you can access a zip archive with model code and raw data, referred to as (a) above. Please refer to the release notes for more information about each release. Older releases are provided, but we always recommend using the latest release (highest version number)
Code and inputs for registered users of the CAPRI SVN system
CAPRI developers with an account in the CAPRI SVN system can also access the releases using their SVN client and regular credentials. The following links point to each release:
Part B: Databases
The model code contains all raw data and routines for building the CAPRI data sets needed to run the system. However, doing so can be tedious, technical and error prone. Here, we therefore provide a standard data base for selected releases. Please extract the contents of the zipped files into the *results* directory of your model installation (by default .\output\results). Use the data base with the same release number as the model code. Novel in STAR 2.4 is that we put an html file in the root of the results folder (batch.html), showing the output of the batch program that generated that data set, for a documentation of the settings used.
Note: The current database (2.4) is calibrated for 2030 and 2015, using the policy “cap_after_2014\ref”, assuming EU-composition = BREXIT.
Database and results for STAR 2.4
Database and results for STAR 2.3
Database and results for STAR 2.2
System requirements
CAPRI requires that you have a windows computer with Java runtime environment (64-bit) and GAMS (distribution 24.7 or later, installed. You need a license for the CONOPT solver.
Installation instructions
Using CAPRI requires extensive knowledge of how the system works. Please look out for CAPRI training courses on the page of upcoming events. The following bare-bone instructions may nevertheless be sufficient to get the system up and technically running.
- Create an installation folder to hold model source files on your local hard drive such that the path does not contain spaces. Thus, it will not work to install the model in “My Documents” (path containing space) or on a network drive (the access will be too slow).
- Extract the files of the compressed archive into the folder you just created.
- Go to the subfolder GUI, double-click “start_capri.bat”. That should open the graphical user interface (GUI). If not, something is wrong with your Java-installation.
- In the menu settings, choose Edit settings.
- In the first tab: enter your name
- In the second tab: verify that the paths to result and restart folders are set to ..\output\results and ..\output\restart. The GAMS directory should read ..\gams and the data directory should read ..\dat.
- In the third tab: enter the complete path to the GAMS executable. Probably it is something like c:\gams\win64\25.1\gams.exe. Also verify that the path to the Scratch directory is ..\output\temp. Click the button to “get number of processors”.
- In the fourth tab: do nothing.
- In the final tab: do nothing.
- Click “Save in caprinew.ini” and accept the file name suggested for your settings.
- Close the GUI, then start it again (using start_capri.bat), to make it process your settings.
Build databases and baselines
If you do not use one of the data bases provided above, or for some other reason want to build all databases yourself, then you can follow the steps below. This takes a long time to execute. Depending on the hardware you use, it can take up to a day.
- In the GUI, choose the workstep “Installation” and then execute the GAMS program. It will create the necessary sub-directories to hold result and restart files.
- In the GUI, choose the menu GUI –> Batch execution
- In the dialogue, choose the file “<gamsdir>\GUI\batchfiles\build_database_and_baseline.txt”
- Uncheck the option “Only compile the GAMS programs”
- Click “Start batch execution”.
- Wait for the program to finish (hours, days).
- Click “Open HTML report” and verify that all steps were completed without errors (RC=0).