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Group 1 VCS

Group 2 Import ban China/ Mercosur

Scenario 1:

$setglobal SCENDES test
$include ..\gams\scen\base_scenarios\CAP_2014_2020.gms        
    SET BANedCOUNTRIES_RM(RM) /USA, CAN, EU_West, EU_East, UK000000/;
    p_trqBilat("CHN",BANedCOUNTRIES_RM,"PORK","TRQNT","%SIMY%") = prohibitive;  

draft results

Group 3 Human demand shift


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link_for_group_work_for_the_students.1600274136.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/11/07 10:23 (external edit)