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Course Overview

Applied Data Analysis: Introduction to and Application of the Partial Equilibrium Model CAPRI in Market and Policy Analysis 2024


In collaboration with the CAPRI network, the Faculty of Life Sciences Thaer-Institute International Agricultural Trade And Development at the Humboldt University zu Berlin and the Thünen institute for farm economics organizes and offers this CAPRI course for beginners. CAPRI (Common Agricultural Policy Regional Impact Analysis) is a global agroeconomic model developed for policy impact assessment purposes. Operational for two decades, it supports decision-making related to the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU and its implementation at the Member State and regional levels. The effects of agricultural, environmental and trade policies on agricultural production, consumption, prices and trade, as well as environmental indicators, are analysed in a comparative-static framework in which the simulated results are compared to a baseline scenario.

Aims of the training session

The CAPRI course aims at bringing together students, modelers, developers and any individuals with a strong interest and background in agriculture related research to improve their knowledge about agricultural economics and quantitative modeling of agricultural, environmental and trade policies with the CAPRI system. Discussions on common issues on agricultural policy, policy modelling, model development and maintenance with CAPRI developers and users will support knowledge generation and exchange of experiences in the community. The focus of this course is to provide participants with fundamental knowledge of CAPRI model to support and foster its further independent use for educational and research purposes (at the advanced level). Participants will learn to use the CAPRI model for scenario analysis and get acquainted with its Graphical User Interface (GUI), its structural blocks and its development approach. Special attention will be given to hands-on exercises on ex-ante impact assessments of agricultural policy changes in the agricultural sector, agri-food markets and the environment.

Contact and Lectures

The course will be led by Alexander Gocht, Davit Stepanyan, Davide Pignotti, Ferike Thom, Jörg Rieger with contributions of core developers of the CAPRI network such as Maria Blanco, Torbjörn Jansson, Caetano Beber.

Format of the course

I: Self Study: Self-study tutorial using CAPRI (deadline for the home work: 20th of September 2023)

Aim of the Self Study:

  • Model installation
  • Basic model understanding
  • Graphical user interface
  • This part should be completed off-campus, before the Block III starts

This tutorial consists of the self-study part of the course. Only participants who submit the fully completed tutorial on time will receive the Zoom link for the course. The completed tutorial (in written format) should be sent to Please submit the completed exercises using the following format: LASTNAME_TS23.pdf.

In addition, upon request, you will have the possibility to meet us in zoom during the following week (21.-25. August 2023) to discuss the exercises of the tutorial.

II: GAMS lectures (27. August 2024 - 30. August 2024)

Time/DateTopic of the lectureDownload pptx GAMS Example all exercises as zip
1st Day
09:00 - 09:45 GAMS modeling language. General introduction Slides
10:00 - 10:45 MyFarm LP modelin Excel; Main elements of a GAMS model Exercise 1 - MyFarm in Excel
11:00 - 11:45 Coding MyFarm LP model in GAMS; Solver output Exercise 2 - MyFarm in GAMS
12:15 - 13:00 Solver output; Improving the efficiency. Sets, Subsets, Alias, Sum Exercise 3 - MyFarm_sets&sum
2nd Day
09:00 - 09:45 Introducing Sets and the Sum operator in MyFarm LP & useful statements see Exercise 3
10:00 - 10:45 Data exchange with Excel Exercise 4_data export,Exercise 5_data import,Exercise 5_data.xlsx
11:00 - 11:45 Introducing common income support schemes Slides
12:15 - 13:00 Scenario analysis with GAMS for VCS and decoupling support schemes. Exercise 6
3rd Day
09:00 - 09:45 Production Quota see Exercise 6
10:00 - 10:45 Crop nutrient need in MyFarmSlidesExercise 7
11:00 - 11:45 Fertilizer pricing and purchasing Slides Exercise 8,Exercise 9
12:15 - 13:00 Feedback round
4th Day
09:00 - 13:00 Intro to the market model

III: An intensive 4-day: Lecture & Computer exercises (23th September - 26th of September 2024)

The course will provide literature and hands-on exercises for theoretical knowledge about the model analyzing results and modifying and simulating scenarios. Readings and sessions will be individualized to the participant’s interest and competence. Final exam: written or oral exam, depends on the number of students

Agenda for the Lecture & Computer exercises

First Day


Format TrainersTopic of the lecture
09:15-10:00pptAlex Gocht1.1. Overview of the course / Reminder Structure CAPRI and GUI
10:15-11:00ppt/hands-on Alex (breakout session) 1.2 GUI Policy editor
11:00-11:15 Coffee Break
11:15-12:00ppt/hands-on Caetano Beber (breakout session) 2.1. Shock: Input price changes for mineral fertilizer with and without market
12:00-13:00 lunch
13:00-13:45ppt/hands-on Alex Gocht 2.2. Data of the Supply Module
14:00-14:45pptMaria Blanco 2.3. Overview Supply Module

Second Day


Format Trainers Topic of the lecture
09:15-09:30Alex GochtSummary “learned so far”
09:30-10:30VL/ppt/Excel/GAMSDavit Stepanyan2.3. Calibration of the Supply module
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:00VL/ppt/Excel/GAMSDavit Stepanyan 2.4 Test Calibration
12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:00ppt/hand-onDavide Pignotti (breakout session) 2.5. Shock 1 price shock for cow milk

Third day

Format TrainersTopic of the lecture
09:15-09:30ppt/hand-on Alex GochtSummary “learned so far”
09:30-10:45 ppt/hand-on (pr) Caetano Beber (breakout session) 2.6. Shock 2 Yield with and without market
11:00-12:30pptDavit & Alex 3. Introduction to market module
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:00pptTorbjörn Jansson (SLU)

Fourth day

download 1: download 2:

Format TrainersTopic of the lecture
09:15-09:30 ppt/Hand on Alex GochtSummary “learned so far”
09:30-10:30 ppt/Hand on (continuation of the introduction to the market model) Alex (breakout session)3.1. Import Ban
10:45-11:45 ppt/Hand on Jörg Rieger (breakout session) 3.2. Shock 2 Human consumption
11:45-12:30 ppt/Hand on Ferike Thom (breakout session)3.3. Shock 3 Biofuels
13:30-15:00 ppt/Hand on all tbd + feedback round

Download: all result gdx files: zip of all results

IV: Student Course work

Format TrainersTopic of the lecture
2nd. October - 5th October
full day discussion all definition of groups and first discussion for scenario implementation
start.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/27 15:14 by stepanyan