Alexander Gocht

CAPRI network member since 2005
Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Insititute for Rural Studies
Bundesallee 50, D-38116 Braunschweig, Germany
Telephone: ++49-(0)-531-59 65219
Current responsibilities
- Co-ordination of CAPRI activities at vTI
- Farm Types in CAPRI
- SVN, Webpage CMS
- Co-ordination of tender projects centered around the CAPRI Farm Types
Major Contributions to CAPRI
- Development of the farm type layer in CAPRI
- First implementation of the SVN system for CAPRI
- CMS for this webpage
Major CAPRI applications
- Analysis of different flat-rate direct payment scenarios with the farm type layer
- Analysis of WTO Scenario and its impact on farm groups
- Analysis of the MTR Health check and its impact on farm groups
CAPRI projects
- Contribution to FP VII project FADNTOOL: Integrating Econometric and mathematical Programming Models into an Amendable Policy and Market Analysis Tool using FADN Database (2008-2013)
- Co-ordination of Tender project Development of methods to model effects of the CAP on farm structural change (2011-2012)
- Co-ordination of Tender project Farm Level Policy Scenario Analysis with the CAPRI-farm Type layer (2009-2011)
- Contribution to FP VII project CAPRI-RD: Common Agricultural Policy Regionalised Impact-The Rural Development Dimension (2008-2013)
- Co-ordination of Tender project EU FARMS: Update of a quantitative tool for farm systems level analysis of agricultural policy (2007 - 2009)
- Contribution to tender project Analysis of sustainability of farming systems, CAPRI extended by farm types (2006-2008)