CAPRI Developer Seminar 2025 The Capri Developer Seminar 2025 will take place on the 11th-12th March in Berlin (on the Campus Nord of the Humboldt University; Hannoversche Straße 27, 10115 Berlin. Haus 12. (Room 2.01)). For further information, please contact The CAPRI Seminar aims to organize knowledge transfer between developers, experienced users, and other participants through presentations on various new developments in CAPRI. Participants will be informed about the relevance, underlying theory, data, and technical implementation and will have the opportunity to discuss the new modules. here you can find the agenda. (last update: 30/01/25)
older News:
Introductory CAPRI Training Session and GAMS Tutorial Announcement We are thrilled to announce that this year's Introductory CAPRI Training Session will take place from 23 to 26 September 2024. In addition, we are offering a voluntary GAMS tutorial for those with no prior experience with the GAMS modeling language, scheduled from 27 to 30 August 2024. To participate in the course, please register here. Please note that completing a self-study tutorial is a prerequisite for participating in the course. We look forward to your participation!
CAPRI Developer Meeting 2024 The Capri Developer Meeting 2024 will take place on the 27th-28th February in Berlin (on the Campus Nord of the Humboldt University; Hannoversche Straße 27, 10115 Berlin. Haus 12. (Room 2.01)). For further information please contact: The aim of the CAPRI Advanced Training Session (Developer Meeting) is to organize knowledge transfer between developers, experienced users and other participants in the form of presentations on various new developments in CAPRI. Participants will be informed about the relevance, underlying theory, data and technical implementation and will have the opportunity to discuss the new modules. Here you can find the agenda. (last update: 23/02/24)
Inhaltlich Verantwortlicher 10 Absatz 3 MDStV:
Alexander Gocht, Bundesallee 50, D-38116 Braunschweig und
Heinz-Peter Witzke, Nussallee 21, D-53115 Bonn
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Technical documents and user manual
The following list comprises pdf documents which provide background information not (yet) covered by the methodological